Five thousand years作文|Five thousand

时间:2022-04-19 19:55:32 英语作文 我要投稿
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Five thousand years作文|Five thousand years 英语作文

  在日常的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是小编收集整理的Five thousand years作文|Five thousand years 英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。

Five thousand years作文|Five thousand years 英语作文

  Opened the history, the Chinese civilization has a long history, since pangu separated heaven and earth, the hand that mends, in ancient times, to the prosperity of the Ming and qing dynasties era, the feudal civilization during the long history, in five thousand, the Chinese people with their own wisdom and sweat, created the brilliant and achievement, also because of the decline has experienced countless hardships and setbacks, under the insults and torture. Countless heroes and heroes, literati in the history of this complex and varied big book write down their own a stroke... Today, I read up and Down for five Thousand Years, which takes me back to the track of history, touches the pulse of five thousand years of culture, and tells me about one dynasty after another in thick ink or light color.

  Read the states annexation of the warring States, Chengpu war impressed me deeply, Huan Gong qi hegemony people applauded, Jing Ke pricking the chivalrous spirit of the King of Qin deeply touched; The story of meng Jiangnv crying over the Great Wall was an indictment of Qin Shihuang‘s cruel taxing of troops. The story of “besieged on all sides” was heart-rending. During The Three Kingdoms period, I was attracted by Zhuge Liang’s resourcefulness and magic calculation. Hua Tuo‘s noble quality of being lively and strong enough to heal the wounded and rescue the dying was shown to me. The most brilliant literature, the most wild poet, the greatest monk is the representative of the Tang Dynasty; The most open-minded scholar, the most talented woman, the most selfless official is the song dynasty’s pride; The greatest novels, the most outstanding railway engineers and the most outstanding poets were the pride of the Qing Dynasty. The most impressive one is the Journey to the West written by Wu Cheng ‘en, a novelist in the Ming Dynasty. Time has passed, and centuries of historical changes can never change the glory of Journey to the West as one of the “Four Great Classics” in literature and its status in people’s hearts. Even this work has been moved to the screen, thirty years, both men and women, old and young, all love to see the legendary drama, now summer vacation winter vacation, also often put this classic on TV, grandpa often see not tire, always said to me: “more than 30 years have passed, everything is much transformed, only it still retains the original style!” . What I admire most is tang Xuanzang, the prototype of Tang Monk in this novel. In order to solve his doubts about Buddhism, he decided to go to India, the origin of Buddhism, to retrieve the Scriptures. He finally brought back 657 Buddhist sutras after seventeen years of hardships, regardless of long distances, mountains and rivers, making great contributions to Buddhism in China and even in the East. The road to learning is long, but the road to pilgrimage for buddhist scriptures is even longer. When Tang Xuanzang was able to reach India without fear of obstacles and acquire the scriptures, why can‘t we go forward bravely without fear of setbacks on our way of learning?

  From drinking blood to genetic engineering, from slash-and-burn to electronic information, from traveling mountains and waters to space. Although once surrendered, failed, was despised, insulted, however, one invention, one victory, hundreds of millions of people’s hard sweat, generations of elite dedicated blood, finally washed for the Chinese nation once the humiliation, straighten the backbone, the shock.

  Long five thousand years, The Times in the change, the historical stage deduces many songs and tears story, many people on this stage came up and go, or generous justice, or treacherous cunning, set foot on the journey of history, savor, a vivid character is coming to me...

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