
时间:2023-01-10 21:13:21 英语作文 我要投稿
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  My favorite person in my life is my mother. I thanked my mother for giving me life and for her concern for my life and study.

  In life, my mother always protects me, she keeps the best things for me. If there is no mother, there will be my happy life today! My mother has paid too much for me.

  Once my mother found me listless and asked me, "kiki, what's wrong with you?" I said, "I'm a little uncomfortable." Mother touched my head: "ah! How did you get a fever?" "I don't know." Mother took the thermometer out of the drawer and put it under my armpit. After five minutes, my mother took out the thermometer and said, "38 degrees, so high!"

  Mother let me lie on the bed to feed me medicine, after eating the medicine, my mother told me: put your head on sleeping, don't put a little air in, so that more than half an hour later, are all wet with sweat, and disease. I followed my mother's way carefully, and after a while I fell asleep unawares.

  The next morning, when I woke up to find that I had no fever, my mother had already started making breakfast. I am happy to say: "mother, I don't have a fever, I am good!" The mother smiled and said, "you happen to have a little medicine, so you will be really good." I said, "okay, make sure you finish what mom gave me." With that, my mother and I both laughed.

  Mother is an umbrella to help me with the rain; Mother is a piece of sunshine, selflessly warm me.

  Thank you, dear mother, you brought me to this colorful world, and let me grow up happily.

  I love you, dear mother!


  It is important to understand that everyone has their own parents. They want us to be healthy, and they want us to be successful.

  Since I was a child, I have been living happily ever after. My parents will accompany me to the parent-child class and go outing. As long as I want to do, the moon in the sky, mom and dad will help me pick it.

  But the good times did not last too long, the children of course want to go to school, this is affirmative, besides, in my impression, parents hope me to become a talent, of course to report to the kindergarten!

  Finally plain sailing into the primary school, full of hope can have a little more free time, but how everything is just a fantasy! The increase in homework kept me awake all night. The increase of the subject makes me dazzled! But my parents support me! How can I let them down and go on! It was so hard that I finally finished it and almost gave me a break.

  But mom and dad are still doting on me. The sixth grade assignment was "a higher level," and I couldn't breathe. At this time, my father was tired for a day, but he with me, help me copy problems, help me, never had more sleep than me! And the mother stayed up all night for us to send tea, warm, never stopped! "What a good parent I have!" that's what I always think!

  Thank goodness! Finally in middle school, my father sent some snacks to each other, and my mother kept on asking questions. "Don't worry about me anymore. I'm old enough to be independent." I finally protested when my parents were tired. "We grudge it! My parents almost said it together!

  Ah! No more, I had to stay in my room and remember, from kindergarten to middle school, my parents always cared about me, but I couldn't get a few full marks back to make them happy. Maybe the parents are really old because of the work! Think about when I was in before stubborn talk back to parents, sometimes tired of my mother's nagging, even think mom and dad just want to my success, not hope I happy, little imagine their parents, as I hold how much heart, pain how much god!

  It doesn't matter. Let me live a full, easy life is the real desire in the denominator, this thick parents, I will never forget.


  I was born on the bank of zhaosu. It was a beautiful and charming place. When I was a child, I didn't know how to paint my beautiful hometown. I was eager to find a way to do it. There is a lot of love in me, and my parents' love calls me. I want to express this feeling, but I always feel that language is so pale before love. Finally I fell in love with the words, so I also found the key to unlock the heart.


  A baby boy, born in a small but warm family, is happy for this little life, surrounded by love and treasure. On the fifth day of birth, the umbilical cord that mother was very concerned about finally broke, and it was customary to place the broken umbilical cord on the high place to show the importance. The mother was careful and happy to put it on the roof of the shed, and there seemed to be something inexplicable and inexplicable in her eyes...

  But the joy of the birth of a new life is lost in the clutches of disease. I don't know if I was jealous of god because I was carrying too much love. After the umbilical cord ruptured, the fever and pain tormented the baby. The rain was pounding on the mother's heart as his father left the car.

  The mother seemed to grow old overnight, but showed the strength of motherhood. I ended my hesitation and rushed to the hospital overnight.

  "Tetanus, the incidence is not high, the cure rate is only 3%, and can cause sepsis easily."

  How many broken hearts are reflected in the doctor's quiet words! The white light of the hospital reflected how much paleness.

  Mother's crying is always the most heartbreaking, because it is not the tears, but the blood - red blood with love.

  The hurried father was silent, returning to the ward, tears flowing freely...

  The elder brother who waited at home was young, but he kept asking him about his brother's situation. He saw his father crying, and he knew that the little man was facing the test and began to cry.

  The only thing that can do is long wait, waiting for the suffering is a fragile and strong heart, waiting for the waiting is that part of attachment and affection.

  The baby finally lived, and the joy of the whole family could not be expressed in words. Mother said, "he is my child." Everyone laughed, and a burst of blessing. "He is my child," she added. The uncle said that he would be rich and expensive in the future. Mother went on, "he's my baby!" Silence, only the father clenched his mother's hand, murmured: "yes, he is, he is... "

  This little sunflower is alive, and the four-year-old boy is always funny and adorable. Alas, the scenery is not long, heaven seems to continue to test what...

  The boy's head had a big bag, and he lay down with pain. Unable to sleep torture, let the child cry all day and all night, break the heart of the whole family. The worst thing was that the word "cause unknown" seemed to be a disaster. My mother was trembling with fear, and my father looked helplessly at the doctor, his eyes full of sadness.

  "Let's call the doctor ourselves." In a word, a sentence of death, a desperate medical treatment, let my father go on the road to seek medical treatment.

  It is said that there is a doctor's traditional Chinese medicine in siping. His father found the small hospital and asked for Chinese medicine. Helpless, all is futile. The disease did not improve, and the cloud did not break. The colleague said that liaoyuan had an old doctor's plaster to make, father two words not to borrow 10000 yuan, took the train to the liao yuan. The old doctor's house has been found, but the man has passed away.

  The father did not give up, stayed for three days, begged the old doctor's family to look for the leftover medicine. This is a hopeless luxury. And the miracle happened, under the bed found a course of ten plaster. The old doctor's family was also impressed by the dedication. Sigh: "ah, this is the father's." Yeah, dad. When the dusty and haggard father came home, he brought back the life of his son. A course of treatment is over, the child's disease is good, is a miracle? No, fatherly.

  The love of parents is the nourishment of life. Little by little, little by little, into the endless power of a boy's heart never stops. The boy believes that there is no such thing as the suffering that can't be overcome, there is no problem that can't be solved, because there is love and everything. Regardless of the life will continue what kind of pain and frustration, believe that as long as the love in the bath, the boy's road will be wider and longer?


  The drizzle trickles down to the trickle.

  Today, the sky is drizzling rain. So countless verses flooded into my mind. Rain is the master of the poem: "the wind sneaks into the night, moistening things silently." "Touch the clothes to wet the apricot rain, blow noodles not cold willow wind."

  The rain was still falling. Rain is my favorite. I like to walk in the rain, or to hold a small umbrella in the rain, under the umbrella to listen to the nature of the music, or simply let the raindrops wet my hair, moisten my face... In the rain I feel the fresh silk, the silk is delicate.

  The rain kept on and on and on. Rain is the messenger of love. She devoted herself to irrigating the fields and nourishing the saplings whenever she could. The creation of the world through the rain is so vigorous and vigorous.

  It's raining, it's still underground, it's raining...

  The rain arrived yesterday and has lasted until now. The rain makes me feel the love of my parents deeply. You see, under those colorful umbrellas at the school gate, isn't standing there waiting for our parents? !

  In the drizzle, my eyes are confused: at home, my parents see us as treasure; At school, parents worry about us. We live in the midst of parental love, and our parents care about us all the time. and us? Have we thought about it for them? We often lose our temper easily, but we don't see our parents' hard work. We did not see that our parents were tired, but they always showed a happy face.

  In school, we only know how to play, not how parents work in the workplace. Did your parents work in the rain?

  Parents get their hair wet in order to make money. The parents soaked their clothes in order to make money. In order to make money, parents are full of wrinkles...

  I thought of it, my heart turned from Yin to qing, but the rain in front of me seemed more dense...

  The rain is still underground, but my heart is full of warmth. I think: we want to repay the parents, the best is to study well, go to a good university, find a good job, make money to parents.

  I will work hard for my dream!


  The ancients cloud: "the line of the mother's hand, the clothes on the body. I am afraid that I will be late. Who said inch grass heart, reported three chunhui." Mother's love is like the bright sunshine in spring, bring me warmth, bring me light; My mother's love is like a steady and calm umbrella in the wind, protecting me from the wind and rain. Mother's love, always in my difficult time to give me help, give me motivation. The continuous love like silk is my strong backing, let me no longer have empty feeling.

  And father's love, is extensive and profound, is informal. My father's love always gives me the right guidance when I make mistakes. My father's love always gave me the right instruction when I was in trouble... If mother's love is as profound as water, then father's love is as thick as a mountain.

  When it comes to my parents, my heart is overflowing with gratitude. How can my parents repay me for my growing up and working hard?

  The love of parents -- the subtle, not rich, but memorable...


  There is a saying: "the father is taller than the mountain, and the mother is deeper than the sea.

  My father sent me to school every morning, and then I had to go to the warehouse, and then I had to go to the factory to talk about things. I went home at night and urged me to study and check my homework. Mom is also very hard, every day to return to the company to work, come back from work to buy vegetables, cook for us to eat...

  One day, my mother took me and my sister to go shopping, the vast sky, suddenly it began to rain cats and dogs. Mother said in a strange way, "why did it rain suddenly? Fortunately, I saw the weather forecast yesterday, so I brought an umbrella. We went home with our umbrellas together, and my mother pushed my umbrella all the way to my side. The rain fell along the edge of the umbrella to her mother. Mom didn't say anything at that time. Just look at us from time to time to see if we get caught in the rain. My mother looked at us from time to time as if to tell us that mother is not wet, you mustn't get wet! Then I felt my mother's love.

  In the evening, my mother and I were sleeping, but my father didn't sleep. I wasn't asleep either. When my father saw that my hand was not covered with a quilt, he took my hand into the quilt, and it was my father who did not know that I had one eye closed, and I looked at him with open eyes. This is me in the mental silent smile: my father is really careful, really care about me.

  I must study hard in the future, listen to my father and mother, and return my parents' love with action.


  Everyone knows, who the world parents love? To love her children. They feel that children are like a treasure. The child is like a drop of water; Children, like the root of life, protect them all the time.

  Parents love is the greatest, would rather eat less, wear less, also let us eat. Not only that, they first thought of us when we couldn't walk.

  Still in the bosom of the mother's love to grow up, fang, they take care of me, protect me. What I admire most in my life is the great and unselfish love of my parents.

  The great and unselfish love of parents is not something that all children can relate to. So we should cherish our parents' love for us.

  Some people ask, is father love more considerate, or is maternal love warmer? The question seemed unfathomable, making it difficult for me to make a decision. My mother has love for you, and my father has love for you. Just like me, I have difficulties in my study, and I have the support and help from my father. My mother, in my health and in the life of the sweet and sour to help and comfort, I also feel that there is such a happy family. My mother is a kind mother, my father is strict, their pushing up and pushing down the love to push me in the middle, is the middle of love. So, your parents are the most respected elders in your life. You just have to remember one sentence: "honey, honey, you will always be happy."

  I wish all the parents of the world happiness and happiness, and I would like to say to the children of the world: "grow up, no matter what you are doing, just remember:" go home often."


  Parents are the ones who know us best, and the unselfish love of our parents begins at the beginning of our life. The figure of my parents is a mark of life in my mind.

  13 years, 13 years, my parents take care of me every day, care about me. My parents always give me the best, and my parents always comfort me every time I fail. Every time I succeed, my parents always encourage me. Once, I failed the math exam.

  I dare not take the paper home for fear that my father and mother will be angry. But in the end, I got home, and all the way, my heart was like a fawn, and it was jumping like a deer. When I got home, I was so sad that I couldn't show my parents. Finally, I plucked up the courage to walk to father and mother, when I showed the paper to my father and mother, I cried, father and mother looked at the paper, then looked at me. I got to my desk and asked my brother to teach me a question.

  Then my heart broke. My parents raised me to take care of me, and I rewarded them with this score. I shouldn't have. Mom and dad not only did not blame me, but also comforted me, let me work hard, I believe that I will do well next time. The love of parents is so great. There was once a poem that said, "my parents, I have enough." Frustrated is the hand that helps, when sick, caring eyes, including the parents how many deep love?

  The warmth of family affection is so simple, like a cup of boiled water nearby, use its simplest sweet and sweet to nourish our life, at the fingertips but often easy to be ignored. The true meaning of love lies in the exquisite care and giving between relatives.

  Parental love is an invisible mark that gives us the courage to live, the motivation to move forward, and the faith to sail away. Father love is great and deep, a mother's love is great and selfless, we cannot leave the parents' love, maybe we run out can still unable to repay the kindness of parents, we should learn to be grateful, for parents. Let the parents know that "we also love you deeply."


  "In the hands of the mother's hand, she wears clothes. I am afraid of delay. This is a true portrayal of parents' love for their children.

  What is the greatest love in the world? It's parental love. The love is like the gardener's hard work, like the unselfishness of the green leaves against the red flowers, this is the love of "the spring silkworm to the dead silk, the wax ashes to dry."

  I love my parents too. They are as cold as ice and as fierce as lightning, but I know that they love me. When I saw my mother because I am naughty but make a serious injury when the eyes glittering and translucent tears, when I heard the mother wait until three o 'clock in the afternoon meal for me, when I saw my father to my study instead of a meal, my heart is so bad, in the dripping with blood, I hate my own incompetence, hate my own naughty, hate myself not obedient. Sometimes I want to walk up to them and say, "mom and dad, I love you." But I don't have the courage, because I don't have good grades, not as obedient as a child, they to I am torn, I dare not, also can't accept their love, because their love has not been returned, because I am not in a position to accept that a heavy love.

  I also love my parents. Although they are very busy, they don't have time to come to see me, but I know they love me. They are busy because they want me to have better learning conditions. They don't come to see me because they believe I can handle myself. When I talk with his father, I can deeply feel his well-meaning, realized his helpless, I hate not determined me, I hate I have no conscience, I hate I don't understand. Sometimes, I wish I could say to them, "mom and dad, you are working hard. I love you, and I'll make you happy when I grow up. But I said no, because I had no courage. I am afraid of making hopeless promises, but I will put them in my heart and try to achieve them for them.

  I want to make myself a meal, because I didn't let them worry, I want to make myself a meal, because I let them torn, I want to make myself a meal, because I have no conscience, I'm a ruthless heart. I should change myself for them, and I will make them happy for me.

  Mom and dad, in fact, sometimes I want to say I love you.


  There are many kinds of love. For example: our parents' love for us is the support we give when we need it. Grandpa and grandma's love for us is the comfort we give when we need it most. The teacher's love for us, that is in our future to pave the way. There are many unspeakable love.

  There are many loves I need. I need my friends to love me, I need my teachers to love me, I need my parents to love me, I need the family to give me warmth.

  The most indispensable thing in life is friendship. The so-called "family at home, go out to depend on friends", and I need friends most. Since I am not good at talking to people, I am very quiet. Many people did not dare to be close to me, because I was the monitor in my childhood. It may be that I was too responsible when I was a child, and I was too strict with my classmates. Many of my friends gradually stopped talking to me because of this. Since I when the monitor is rarely speak, friend is little, so I resigned from his post as the monitor, but my side still no presence of the "friend" this noun, seems to be my dictionary forever with "friendship" does not take the bait.

  In the life of junior high school, I changed my character, began to talk with people actively, and with people, the whole person also became more lively, met difficulties and smiled. Although I began to compare the hardships, but the time is long, I also have classmates accept my change, now I also have many close friends. I don't know whether I am used to it or I have forgotten my past self. Now I like now of I, for my friend joy all the day, there are also many friends talk with me, say it out, they always smile to say to me: "the latter jade-like stone, thank you, it's nice to have you the friend. Always have a good time after talking to you. Thank you! At the time, it was really fun! Tell you a little secret oh, my mouth is very strict oh! If you have something on your mind you can look for me, I will always be your temporary "garbage can" oh.

  Actually, it's really simple, as long as you love someone in your own way, he will be moved by you one day, that's what I am. If you really like my experiences, might as well have a try, change yourself, perhaps the beginning of a bit not used to, but time is long, you will find that actually do a likeable person actually is a very simple thing, oh. Man, is to let oneself live happiness point, why force oneself to live in pain?

  The so-called love is to make you feel all the beauty in the world.


  Everyone has parents. Parents are the best people in the world. They gave birth to me, raised me, and gave me a sweet home. It is their meticulous care that makes me grow up; It is their careful care that makes me healthy. All these years I feel so guilty that I can't repay you well. I can't wait to grow up, I grow up to repay you for my love.

  My hometown is in the countryside, it is a remote place, without the prosperity of the city, but very quiet. Summer night, there is a lot of mosquitoes, also very hot, is my mother fan, help me to fight mosquitoes, often full of sweat, make very late to sleep. In the morning, I often saw his arms, and there were a lot of knobs on his legs, but she had no time to catch them, and she would make me breakfast and send me to school.

  My father is a rough man. He is very strict with me. He often calls me for some small mistakes, but he doesn't blame my father. He is all good for me. But sometimes I also hate him very much, perhaps out of ignorance. For example, there are other children who come to the trouble, whether it is my fault or not, he always scold me, there is good food, always others more points, I am a little less, there is not even.

  Now that I have grown up, I have started to become an adult. For my study, my mother quit her old job and accompanied me to study. Laundry to cook for me, more sadly mom and dad to live far apart, can't together, my father worked in Shanghai, he drive to work, for others to soil, originally mother work there, can give him a little share the burden. But now that father's burden was heavier, the whole family depended on him for support. Dad calls every week, just to ask me if I want him! And I always answer, and give affirmation. Dad and mom always call me after a short time. I know that my father wants my mother and me, but he doesn't want to talk about it. How about mom coming home, dad coming to see us from time to time?

  My father also let me study hard, don't disappoint me and your mother's expectation, the examination of a good high school. I know do you want me to get into a good high school, college, that is, in fact, for the sake of my future, you just do the role of incentive, now I grow up, may be my temper some violent, often quarrel with each other for the little things in life with mother. I am not fit to be a son. Because as a son to his mother should have more understanding!

  I was wrong when I was young, and now I am wrong again, I should wake up, I can't let my life repeat one's mistakes.

  I want to repay their love (care and care) for me. The reward is very simple, say goodbye to my mother at school, go home and say hello to my mother; Learn to appreciate the mother, give dad a text message (report achievement), to the parents say I love you... All this is the best reward for parents.


  Love has many kinds of love. They represent different meanings. The love between friends is so pure; But I think the most unforgettable is the parents' love for their children. My parents love me so much, and I am deeply moved. That's the one thing that's most memorable to me.

  That is fast during the festival, one afternoon, I accidentally kicked the pot broke in the home, the hot boiling water poured on my legs, then hot up a big piece of leather, pink is tender meat, I cried in pain. When my mother heard my cries, she put down her life and put me on the bed, and immediately went to the hospital to buy a scald. My father comforted me by saying, "it's all right. It's better to be strong." Later, I drifted off to sleep. When my mother came home to spray my medicine, I woke up with pain and cried, "don't spray, it hurts!" After a period of time, through the careful care of mom and dad, the spray is not very painful, also can walk slowly. But my parents insisted on spraying me on time to see if there was any inflammation, and gradually I could run away.

  My father is like the sunshine that gave me the growth of all things, so that I thrive; Mother is like rain to give me all kinds of nutrition, so that I can grow happily. In the days to come I will redouble my love to my parents.


  Parents are the first teachers of everyone. Their words and actions can affect your life. You learn from them all the time.

  Many people ask, how can a parent be a book? In fact, there are many kinds of books, both tangible and intangible, as long as they have knowledge, it is a book. I have been reading my parents' book, and I have learned a lot of good qualities from them.

  Parents are very thrifty people. They never want to be rich in material life, they can't buy a few new clothes a year, and they can't throw away their old clothes. It's me. I buy a lot of clothes every year, and they will satisfy me whenever I need it.

  Thrift is not only in life, but also in study. When I bought a book in a bookstore, I always chose mine. They looked at them, and when they had finished, they always saw me holding a pile of books, but they had one or two books and sometimes they didn't buy them. I felt a little guilty and said to them, "mom and dad, why don't you buy more?" They replied, "oh, why buy so much! It's so big, you forget it, you don't have to pay for it." I heard it, and it was not a taste in my heart.

  Not only are they industrious and frugal, but they often education I want to be frugal.

  Every time my mother saw so many pens in my pencil case, she asked, "how many pens do you use every day?" "No, sometimes it looks good." "After you use it, you can replace it with a new one. You might as well buy a few books instead." Every time I went out to play, my mother would never give me more money. I was afraid that I would do meaningless things, just enough for the flowers.

  Thrift is our traditional virtue, and so is filial piety. Parents are also very respectful to the elderly. Because their parents are in the country, living conditions are certainly not good, so they often send money back, they have no money and never seek their parents. Every year at the festival, they carry a bag of small bags to go back to their hometown to honor the elderly. As long as the old man has something to do, his parents will do everything he can to do well.

  From my parents' book, I have read a lot and learned a lot. My parents are a book.

  In the long life experience, I will continue to learn my parents this book!


  People are used to being overly harsh and indifferent to their loved ones, but they leave tolerance and enthusiasm to others.

  In the face of our parents' nagging, we always look impatient. In the face of their care and love, we are always wayward and stamp the foot to crush it. In front of our parents, we are always irritable, or abandon our parents to be behind The Times, to keep up with the pace of The Times, or to hate that they always treat us as three years old and do everything. But a simple greeting to a friend is so warm and kind, even a casual greeting to a stranger. But do we understand: who has brought us up, who has done all we can to get us to accept good education, and who is worried about our future? Are you clear about all this?

  As we get older, we grow taller and older. The old man gave us the beautiful youth while bending his father's high back, and the furrow of the years crept up to his mother liya's face. Until one day, we suddenly discovered the "change", perhaps at this point, we'll only ripples of inner waves: memory father high stand back always strong to shelter for us, the smiling face of the mother to let a person feel warm and peaceful, but now, where are they? Why do you have this sense of the ten thousand years?

  "Where is the time? I haven't felt young yet. The lyrics are a sigh of the passage of time, more telling how many parents for their children's years of selfless dedication to the heart of youth and painstaking efforts. Once upon a time, we were chasing our dreams, sharing our joys and sorrows with our friends, but ignoring the two pairs of eyes that followed us and our hearts that always cared for us. They are happy with our happiness, sad our sadness, but heartless we don't even want to find time to spend more time with them. In the information age, we have less and less communication with our parents, so that the cities of reinforced concrete and concrete have condensed the loneliness and loneliness of numerous empty nest parents.

  "The tree wants to be calm, the son wants to be raised and not to be cared for", and the first time of filial piety is still in our ears, but this kind of tragedy is still common in our life. Have you noticed, a son from their homes for decades, missing, one day, XieQi tape and return home, can be in the wrap web dilapidated old house, full of parents have people go to the house empty, grief remorse, faint on the spot; Another son, when his parents were alive, he was indifferent. After the death of his relatives, he spared no expense to buy them a cemetery and a cemetery to show filial piety. What a sorrow it is! Did the two sons later do something to their parents? Can parents enjoy their "filial piety" and "love"?

  Where the wind is, the dandelion is there; Parents are where the children are. The most loving child among all living beings is the only parent who is willing to give all but no regrets. All they want is a little warmth, a loving greeting, and a little bit of talk in their spare time, which makes them feel great joy and happiness. Can't we give this simple request? Let's go home often.

  We all say that children are the continuation of our parents' lives, and we want our parents to be our eternal life. Give them love and surround them with happiness, and we will be happier too!


  On my growth path, there were many teachers who had taught me and encouraged me, but my first teacher was my parents and they were also my best teachers.

  My parents don't like other teachers to teach me knowledge, teach me how to develop good behavior habits, teach me to be the truth, they never told me what to do, but in silence with their subtle influence me in word and deed.

  Mother is an excellent people teacher, in the teaching work, she is always meticulous. Mother often comes home to do courseware at night, and sometimes it is very effective, but she will change again and again until she can see no problems. At first, I did not understand, but later, I was also "infected" by my mother. In study, I take every problem seriously. I feel that I haven't fully mastered the content that the teacher told me in class. I will ask my mother for advice. I don't allow myself to leave any questions. Every time I finish my homework, I finish the paper, and I will check the questions carefully until I am satisfied.

  In life, mother is industrious and simple, everything she has done is exquisite. Her mother is respectful and kind, and she is sincere and friendly to everyone around her. Mother is honest and trustworthy. When it comes to doing, she promises to do everything well for everyone else. Mom is strong, brave, optimistic... These are the most precious gifts she has given me. Everyone says I am a smiling girl, every day in my life sunny. When I have time, I will help my mother do housework and tidy up my room. I have a tolerant heart to others, students like to get along with me; I will think calmly when encountering difficulties...

  We have two cars in our family, but dad takes me to the bus every time. Dad told me it was a low-carbon life. Every time a bus father takes the initiative to give up his seat to someone in need. One time our family was walking, I found a wallet with a hundred dollars in cash and a few CARDS. My mother saw a "soo" card in her purse and thought the store might have a phone number. Mom and dad word took me to be the opposite of "tasteless", the salesman aunt enthusiastically help us find the owner, we have a very happy, I also in the heart secretly thankful to have a pair of great parents.

  Family is our first school, parents are our first teachers, in this school, I happily with the health, grew up, I also want to be a good man like mom and dad.


  Everyone must know the "cry bamboo shoots" this allusion. During The Three Kingdoms period, meng zong, the father died when he was a teenager, his mother was old and sick, and the doctor ordered to make soup with fresh bamboo shoots. It was winter, and there was no fresh bamboo shoots. Meng zong could not do anything. He ran to the bamboo forest alone, and he wept. Suddenly, he heard the crack of the ground. He saw shoots of bamboo shoots on the ground. Meng zong great joy, gather to make soup, the mother drank and sure enough. Later, he became an official. The allusion is only allusions, but it is not the right to honor parents. Because of this filial piety can move heaven, moved. The ancients are still so, what's more, we are the modern people after a thousand years?

  Gratitude is a virtue, a life attitude. Is a ray of sunshine, can eliminate the suspicion and complaint among people; It's a bridge that connects people to each other, and I'm really grateful to my parents.

  One day fourteen years ago, at some point, my parents greeted me with tears. From the moment I came to the world, my parents had a little more joy, and on this basis, there was also a little sadness. Because they have a busy job - take care of me. Although it was a heavy burden, my parents took it hard to bring me up. Maybe, many people, including myself, think that our parents brought us to this world, to raise us, to give for us, it is natural. But now that I have grown up and I understand that my parents are doing this for our future and bringing us into this world, they are actually not obligated to bring us up. Therefore, I should have a grateful heart to understand my parents and take the responsibility of honoring my parents.

  From I was born to babble, to stumble learning to walk, to carry a bag to school, I take back the exam results, until now, the parents accompany me how many days and nights, accompany me through the many obstacles, for I pay a lot of sweat.

  As a small tree, we should thank the land for raising him. Because as a fish, you should thank the sea, because the sea is his home. As a bird, you should thank the blue sky, because the blue sky gave him freedom. And as me, I should be most grateful to my parents. The flowers with its fragrant fragrance as the return to nature, and I, can only use my hands to care for parents, filial piety parents.

  I always love my parents, and I am willing to repay them with actions. I also ask my friends to do what they can for their parents. Although I can't accompany my parents forever, I will try my best...

  "The grace of dripping, when the spring comes." Dad, mom, I love you!


  I was surprised when I saw someone else's composition with "stir-fried shredded pork" and "shredded pork with green pepper". Do their parents often beat them up?

  It's my two parents: democratic mom, funny dad. Let me introduce them.

  Democratic mother

  Always "ask" democracy to help when something is going wrong or something that can't be solved. I'm always in a minority, I'm always in a minority, and I'm a little kid now, and I don't think they're going to get it right. Maybe she wants me to take it orally.

  Humorous dad

  When the house is silent, he always jumps out, makes some atmosphere, makes us laugh. He also said "humorous language" from time to time. Once, when we saw a bug trampled to death, dad said, "it must be thinking, 'sorry, mom, I'm jaywalking. '" and he made us all laugh with the gesture of an angel.

  Do you imagine such parents hitting me back? Haha, envy, I don't care about you.

  My "people speak" is: happy oneself, let others envy to go! Ha ha ha ha...


  My parents are from the countryside. Their lives were ordinary, they had not enjoyed many blessings, because of family conditions, they had dropped out of school in the early years, and they had not been advanced to education. To the outsider, they are so ordinary, but in my heart, my parents are all my life. I love them as much as they love me.

  My mother washes the dishes at a bakery and goes to work at four o 'clock every morning until one o 'clock in the afternoon. Everyday brush a bowl to brush time long hand to crack, see mother's hand, my heart is like needle prick pain.

  My dad works on a construction site, hauling lime in up to ten floors of stairs every day. There was the heavy rain and the heat, and the sand was all over the house. When I see my father's tired figure, I always have tears in my eyes.

  One day, I suddenly thought of a way to repay my parents.

  1. I can sing and dance to my parents when they are upset.

  2. Wash their feet for them after they come home from work and wash their feet for them.

  Tell a joke to your parents when they're bored.

  Save your pocket money for your parents' holiday and buy them a present.

  Help your parents do the housework as they can.

  These are the five ways I now think of paying back my parents.

  Time and tide wait for no man. My parents are one year old when I am a year old. Parents are really not easy, we should cherish the time to repay the parents early.


  My parents are ordinary people. On weekdays, my parents are the most common ones, and my parents are the ones who love me most. They are my closest relatives. My parents have given me so much, their love for me has made me feel extremely warm.

  My mother is the busiest one in the family, and there are lots and lots of work in the day, washing clothes, mopping the floor, cooking... I think it will take a whole morning to finish the work. Now I am a, can't often help my mother do things, I only wait for Saturday after school to help my mother to do some things I can, so I really hope that every day is Saturday, so I can every day to do things for my mother, I want to take some things for my mother! But I can't,

  In the home, father is responsible for cooking, cooking is the same seems simple, in fact is very learned, because I used to have cooked food, but it is very difficult to eat, it is difficult to swallow. Dad's best thing is to kill the turtle, which seems mild, but actually fierce, like a crocodile biting its prey, so dad has a knack for dealing with it. The turtle's teeth were very sharp, so he often used a chopstick to hold it, then put it in the water, and then cut it open. But the turtle is often dying before he dies and bites you, so be careful. The fish that father cooked is the most delicious, is so - called color, aroma, taste all! I am very fond of eating, a fish I think at least half is eaten by me all!

  I hope my parents will always be healthy and happy.


  In the world, my dearest and most respected people count my parents. My parents were simple and honest, they raised me, and I respected them very much.

  My parents are filial and obedient children, so I respect them. Grandma had no teeth. She couldn't eat a lot of things, so my parents tried to buy some soft fruit. Cooking, cooking and to do in the soft, as far as possible let grandma to eat well, last year, my grandpa was sick, mom and dad is worried, day and night keep beside my grandpa, grandma and grandpa whether did something wrong, they never say strong words, therefore, mom and dad in the eyes of my grandma and grandpa is among the children, the filial piety.

  My parents have a kind of noble quality, so I respect them very much. Our house is a self-employed, on one occasion, an absent-minded aunt left a leather bag in our store, there is a mobile phone, a big bunch of keys, id card and some cash, when we found that, went to the aunt, result didn't find it, dad said anxiously: "this man was too careless. "This is filthy lucre," said her mother gravely. "we'll have to wait for her to come back and give it back to her, or she'll have to worry about it." After a long wait, the aunt came back anxiously, took back the bag, thanked us repeatedly, and said, "you are a very nice person, and I will come to your shop more." Mom and dad say you're welcome. That's what every citizen should do. In peacetime, father and mother is such education we, make us healthy and vigorous growth!

  In business, mom and dad for children, the elderly, and disabled students as far as possible the price of cheaper, never blackmail them, parents treat guests are good, never place face to customers, never abused guests, more is not forced to buy and sell.

  Look, this raises me, education me, the parents who make me grow up, how ordinary they are, how great they are!


  My parents are ordinary people, on weekdays, I most often are my parents, the most painful is my parents. When I grew up, my love for my parents became more understandable. In my mind, my parents were the most amiable and honorable people.

  My mother is the busiest one in the family, and has a lot of work during the day. Mother day on the night shift will take a day off, that is to say, a night on the mother to rest two days and one night, but the rest of the time is very busy, want to help my father running here and there to draw the fee; There's a lot of laundry to do at home, to mop the floor, to cook; And research stocks, good accounts... Besides the time of sleeping, my mother has no rest.

  My father was a genius in painting, calligraphy, listen to and said to him, he was a boy to do approved, approved but he started the school the best, and I still have some don't believe, finally asked the uncle and his uncle just know, my dad is so great! Now, dad, he goes to work in the company every day, sells the telephone, collates the document, is also very busy to calculate, but my father's busy but has the harvest.

  On Monday, my mother told me in high spirits that my father went to wuchang on a business trip and won the championship! Although I don't know what my father is, I know that this is closely related to his daily efforts. Now, I am more proud of my father.

  Flowers need rain and sunshine, she will be more beautiful. In our life, parents are the rain and sunshine, enrich and moisten us. When I was a child, I always thought that it was natural for my parents to give so much, but when I grew up, I really understood the hardship of my parents and the deep love they gave me.

  When I was young, I had a back to good friend's house for dinner, forgot to say with home, finally came home, see mom and dad anxiously stamp there, see I'm back, quickly come and hold me, love to scold a way: "you run which go to? Do you know how worried we are! At that time, I still do not understand, was frightened by the father and mother, only know to keep crying.

  Parents, always be kind to you smile, happy to you say, even if is dozen, scold us, also can be the heart without mercy rebuke, the pain in the heart is far past your body pain! They all believe in a word: life is precious, children are more expensive!


  When I open my eyes to the world, I am filled with longing for the world, longing for my happiness every day, longing for me to thrive, longing for my smile...

  Sure enough, I not only live in a happy family, but also a care for my parents. I am a happy little girl, all of which are made by my father and mother. Let me tell you about my parents!

  Let me start with my father: my father can not only cook, but also eat well. My father makes meals that I like to eat. Besides cooking, my father can help me when I have problems with my homework. Whenever I write my homework, my dad always comes to my desk to see how I'm doing. If I have a problem, dad will... Active... Give me the problem until I get to it. My dad is also humorous - sometimes when I see my stuffed toy, it's a bit funny. Then my father came up and said, "... Look at that. ...... "And he was still pulling. I remember one time when my dad and I were hitting each other on the bed with a pillow -- one of my own, my sister and my father. I've never been my... Opponent... Hit me and I didn't hit my two... Opponent... And I pretended to throw it to the left with my pillow, and sure enough, two of my... Opponent... On the left, I threw it to the right. Ha, I won. In the midst of laughter the father said,... Don't be too loud. Your mother will scold us later. ...... Then we laughed again, and there were footsteps outside the door. ...... SHH, maybe mom's here. Don't talk, I'm afraid. ...... Father said...

  By the way, I haven't said my mother yet. My mother is very kind. And very patient. Where is the patience? Let me tell you something. My mother's patience is reflected in my teaching. Do you have a question here? Didn't my father teach me the subject? How did your mother teach? Let me tell you, my dad sometimes doesn't have time, so they teach. My mom and dad, like dad, came to see me when I was doing my homework. But notice, mom and dad have a different way of teaching them. Where is it? See for yourself. When I have a question, my mother will come, and I will ask my mother how to do it. My mother will let me write the meeting first, and I will listen to my mother. I asked my mother, the mother does not like dad, give me the answer to the questions of almost say it out, but to enlighten me, give me say what to like, if the topic of my mother also won't, mom would do with me...

  When it comes to my parents, I can say a lot, but I won't tell you because of the time.

  Finally, I said to my parents, "I love you, you have worked hard."


  "There is only a mother, there is a mother... "My father is my umbrella, my father... "The song praises the parents' love for us, and the song goes on to sing our love for our parents, the family loves us, we love our family, this is called family love.

  I think the deepest love is the mother's kind love, father's silent love, and our love for our parents.

  As the saying goes, motherly love, motherly love deep. Isn't it? I went out for a little while, and my mother told me, "be safe, come back early... I remember it was a misty autumn morning, and I went out to play. Who knows, I played with my head, from 10 am to 9 PM. It was dark then, the wind was blowing, the rain was rustling, and we stayed at home until "dangdang... "The bell rang ten times, I just want to go home, but I walk on the road alone, the more I think of the more afraid, played so long, my mother did not hit me is strange. I was like fifteen buckets of water in my heart, and I returned home with a feeling of dread.

  As a result, I went into the room, why, mom wasn't there? Where can I go? Look for me? It's impossible. She doesn't know where I am. Go to play CARDS? It's not possible. Where did mom go so late? I wondered and took the umbrella and rushed out again. Where is mama? I kept thinking. So I took my umbrella and braved the rain and cried, "mama, mama... "Cried I, and I fell down, but I got up again. It was cold outside and I was shaking. I was only six or seven years old. I didn't know how long it was before I saw a figure running towards me and holding me back. It was my mother. When my mother saw me for a long time, she went out to look for me. I found my mother's forehead was hot - my mother had a fever. So I went home and took my mother's medicine, poured water, and let my mother sleep. This is the mother love, this is the family, so I always think of this thing is always difficult to calm! Father's love, our love for parents is not much better than mother's love. This is the kinship, this is the affection that let me move!

  The strength of family affection is great, can vibrate everything! The power of affection is boundless, can save everything! The strength of family affection is huge, can change everything! The strength of family affection is wonderful, can move everything!


  Everyone has a father and mother, all can have father strict, strict love, mother kind, encouraging love. This love is deep, great, not spoken, nor written with pen. Instead, use your heart to feel, to feel. My father's mother is one of thousands of people. But they are not ordinary to me, they not only give me life, but also sublimate my life -- let me go to school to study, learn knowledge...

  My father is a salesman, the dark yellow face has two thick, black eyebrows, a pair of deep eyes. My father was a humorous man. When he was at home, my mother and I often laughed at his words and actions. Although my father is a humorous person in his ordinary life, he is not relaxed at work and in my study. In particular, I gave high expectation to my study. Sometimes, because I failed to perform well in the exam, I got a low score for me, and my father would criticize me severely. But I have never cursed or beaten me, so my evaluation of my father is strict and strict. That is also why I often study very hard, carefully review, before every examination for testing a good result, one is to do not receive the criticism of the father is the most important thing for me.

  My mother was gentle and quiet, and she seldom spoke loudly in my memory. Although he is in his thirties, the voice of the speech is softer than that of the young man. A father is a salesman is often on a business trip, my mother and I at home, because I am a girl with her mother than with his father together of the time, so I know my mother is a man of perseverance and strong, but in common with people, is very gentle, very popular, often someone complimented mother - "kind, beautiful, hardworking". Whenever I hear these words, I am proud of having such a good mother.

  This is my father, mother, I think:

  The eyes of the parents are a lonely flower, when you are lonely and melancholy, look at the full brightness, smell the sweet heart of the heart, the heart is comfortable and not lonely.

  Parents are a star in the dark. When you don't know the direction, a soft light guides you to take a firm step.

  The parents are... The parents are the most fragrant, the greatest, the brightest, the warmest synonyms in the world.

  I love my father and mother.


  His encounter with her was like a perfect fairy tale. Perfect, with an enviable storyline. But their meeting made me and my sister.

  Sixteen years ago, he went south alone with little savings. In this way, he came to shenzhen by train. She also went south, but she came to shenzhen three years ago and decided to give up her chance to go to high school for her brother's college. Her early poverty had caused her shoulders to take on too much early, but she never said a word of complaint, but her fault was that she was too hot-tempered. But he is honest, responsible and uncomplaining.

  Two years later, they have been in love for two years. There was a feeling of homesickness in their minds as they drifted away. Finally they decided to go home and get married, from shenzhen to hubei to shandong, and they settled in shandong. He didn't have a suit, and she didn't have a wedding dress. The car they were sitting on was a bicycle. But they built a small convenience store from scratch. Although the days are hard, the life of the two is very sweet. Perhaps god felt that they were too lonely, so god sent me into this world. A year later, I was born. A poor family, perhaps because of my arrival, added a bit of joy. However, their career also began to have some improvement, in the career and family of choice questions, they are helpless to choose a career. So, after my full moon, I was taken by my grandmother. It wasn't until five years later that I was picked up by them. Four years later, they had a lovely daughter. By this time they were already a happy family of four. With two daughters, the career has also been fruitful. They also let go of the heart, they no longer all the time, but a family of four happy together.

  To close the story of my parents, although nothing earth-shattering touching scene, but more calm is endless happiness, the roof behind the small perhaps happiness in other people's eyes, but only experienced to understand the real meaning of it, but also because there are my parents, my life is more interesting.


  Friends are friends; Brothers are playmates; Teachers are sisters; Parents love each other. My parents are different.

  My mother was very strict with me. When I failed the exam, I wanted to get the attention of my mother, but I was scolded and ignored by my mother. And my father was very kind to me and taught me what was wrong, and how to tell right from wrong next time. I sometimes feel sorry for myself, and it is unfair to suffer such treatment. But one day, I knew I was going to repent. It was a little rain, and it was singing in my umbrella, and I went home as usual, and suddenly, a car flashed across the highway, and the water at the side of the road danced with it. "Pa - pa" splash into my body, a blow, my body immediately paralyzed, poured into the mud slope, because the umbrella ed into the soil, my life saved. But for a long time it was washed away by the rain, and there was nothing the umbrella could do.

  When I was on the verge of despair, I saw a figure, curvaceous, a little thin, watery big eyes, black and white hair. -- she is my mother!

  So I got a revelation that my mother didn't mean to give me the cold shoulder because I shouldn't have been wrong. While my father is different from my mother, I am happy with my father, but I have neglected my mother's love for me. In the late night, she secretly helped me to cover the quilt. In the cold winter, she gave me the hot water, and my mother washed the cold water, and the cold water in my hands was so cold - cold - cold.

  I finally know now, 1, because my name is "huang ling ye" I was born in winter, "ye" word helps me to keep warm. 2, my mother said, "I am the god of happiness." I think I may be the "happy god" dad is the "flying god" mother must be "the god of love". Because I was the "pistachio" of my family, my father supported me for a day, and my mother regarded me as a "golden diamond."

  I love you, black and white, day and night; Whether or not it falls apart; Regardless of the arrival of death. I love you! Parents, I am willing to spend my whole life to guard you!


  As the saying goes, "the father loves the mountain, the mother loves the sea." Every parent loves their children, but there are different ways of expressing it.

  My parents love me sometimes hard and sometimes...

  Strict: once, my mother made a table of delicious food, let the hungry my mouth water, I want to start eating right away. But before my father came back, I had to sit and watch the delicious food, swallowing. After a long time, dad finally came back, and I can finally taste the delicious food. I take my bowl and eat it, one bowl, two bowls; When I got to the third bowl, I felt that my stomach was already full, so I got up and tried to pour out the leftovers in the bowl. But dad said, "everyone is promoting cd-rom now. You are a primary school student. Didn't you learn the ancient poem "Benjamin farmer"? It is not to say, 'who knows the food, the grain is hard', so you want to eat the bowl of rice, a grain also not to be left!" Mother nodded in agreement. I listened to my father's words and just finished eating the bowl.

  Considerate: one morning, the sun is shining, but in the afternoon, the wind is blowing, making me shiver and sneeze. After a while, the teacher asked me to go out. It was my mother who brought clothes to me. When I came to my mother, she dressed me in the clothes she was holding, and said to me, "the weather is so cold, you still wear such a thin piece of clothing, so please bring one more dress next time!" I nodded. When I came back to the classroom, I bumped into my mother's hand. My mother's hand was icy cold, and I thought: my mother's hands are cold and piercing, so I must be anxious to send clothes to me, so I didn't care about myself.


  This is my parents, who are sometimes tough and considerate sometimes... Whether they're tough on me or considerate or... I know they love me! I will love them too!


  Sixteen years ago, a baby girl was born, not to mention that it was me.

  When I was a child, I also forget about, remember is your naive, childish and capricious -- to be home to eat delicious things, disease good, would rather get dad dozen don't want to go to the kindergarten, the result was dragged by my dad went to;

  Sleeping in the middle of your mom and dad. And every day after school, I would go to his factory with my father. At that time, my father was a worker, and I always went to the factory with my father to pick up ripe water grapes and wild flowers.

  Then, more than a decade later, I grew up, and my parents grew old. When my father was in his forties, his hair was gray, and his mother, who had a wrinkled face, had some ugly spots. They were all laid off, and in order to keep me, they started a small business together. Every day they get up early and get up early, and to save a few bucks, they always do the work that they carry. Dad had a bad stomach, and his mother's feet sometimes hurt, and they didn't want to take money to cure the disease. 365 days a year, not one day they are resting.

  I am, although the person is grown up, but still very not sensible. Holiday, finish my homework, and students go out to play, see beautiful clothes every day to replace classmate, also want to buy your own clothes, at this time, I did not think of, his parents have several years did not change new clothes. When I was a child, I liked to go shopping with my mother, because every time she went to the street, she would buy me nice clothes. When I grow up, I don't like to go to the street with my mother. I think my mother is so old. How could it be so ugly? It would be a joke to walk down the street with her. How unfilial I am!

  Last year, I got hooked on the Internet and asked my dad to buy me a computer. Dad finally said yes. I'm so happy. How hard it is for parents to make money, so that they can use thousands of dollars at once. After the computer, the first thing I do after school every day is to open a computer, and every night I go to bed late because I can't leave the computer. Dad comes back at 11 o 'clock every night, and I have to shout several times before I turn off the computer to sleep. I was about to graduate, and my parents were sure that I could get into the best high school here, but I was very worried about my obsession with computers. Every few days, my father would have a long talk with me. I also know that my responsibilities are very heavy, so I have a little convergence, but I still don't pay much attention to my body. My constitution is not very good, so the trouble is worse. My father bought me milk and ordered me to drink a bottle every day and fresh fruit every day. During the three days of the exam, my parents bought me a good breakfast every day to go out to work, fearing that I would not be satisfied.

  Now that the exam is over, I didn't disappoint them. I got into the best high school here. I was on holiday too. I went to my aunt's house for ten days and went home, just in time for my mother's worship. My family is very few worship god, I also very strange, why mother should worship god? When I visited with my mother, I heard it clearly -- "thank you, my ancestors, and god bless XXX (my name) was admitted to the key high school." In my mother's words, I could hear her voice shaking, I heard her poignancy, and I heard the comfort of the good school. While burning the candle, I looked at the ground and saw water dripping from my mother. I looked up at her and saw the dripping mother, and I couldn't tell which was her tears and which was her sweat.

  Now, I'm really grown up. I know deeply that all my parents' love is in me. Please forgive my once ignorant, wayward daughter. Perhaps my parents did not blame me at all, but I have to repent of my willfulness.

  God, please forgive my unfilial piety with a kind heart, please give my parents a healthy body, and all the good parents in the world healthy body.


  The sun was flowing through the fingers, and the faces of the parents had been carved with wrinkles and gray hair. When you inadvertently found that parents' sides with traces of snow, when you found that parents' body gradually bend, when you find their parents thick calluses, have you ever thought to toil parents say "thank you"?

  Ushered in a rare month holiday, all the parents go out to work, leaving me a person at home, after a relaxing in the morning, I felt the protest from the stomach, but parents hasn't come back, I desperately, so we have to made a decision: his cooking.

  I walked into the kitchen with excitement and uneasiness. It was my first time to cook. It was easy for me to think of my mother's relaxed appearance. I was very angry with myself in my heart.

  I dished out two bowls of rice in a pot, add water to mixing, and water into the milky white, after again and again of elutriation, rice has become crystal clear, I proudly rice into the rice cooker, looking forward to when the meal was ready, the in the mind is full of confidence. But it turns out that this novice who has never cooked before is less likely to succeed. The difficult problem is coming soon, I can only say that the food is six, and I know nothing about it. Seeing the food in the kitchen, I was suddenly stunned, I did not know where to start, after much reflection, I decided to make a mother's cooking: Fried shredded pork.

  I found the meat in the refrigerator, and I learned how my mother cut the meat in the usual way. I thought of the knife shadow when she cut the meat, and my hand picked up speed unconsciously. Suddenly my fingers were cold, and then a pain came. I looked down and there was a blood line on my finger. The blood was leaking out. I ran to the living room and found a band-aid. Two figures appeared in front of the wound, and it was mom and dad coming back. While my father was wondering about the wound in my hand, the careful mother had found the reason, because she found the unfinished kitchen. She said to me with a little reproachful, "you child, you don't know what to call when you're hungry. We'll come back and do it."

  I shook my head and said: "it was not until today, I understand that any one thing is not so easy to do, hard work out every day, you will come back to cook for me, thank you, I want to finish it this meal."

  My parents looked at me in shock, and my mother slowly nodded.

  At noon, my parents ate the food I cooked, although they didn't say it, but I read from their faces that they were happy.

  My heart cannot be quiet, "the lamb kneels, the crow feeds back." The animal can still be so, I did not realize the parents' hard work before, always take the parents to take for granted, I feel deeply guilty.

  The parents will not give us unlimited time. Let us start from now and have a thankful heart for our parents, and honor our parents!


  When we are in trouble, we can pour all that we can to help our people, our parents.

  When we are wronged, we can listen to the people we cry, the parents.

  When we make mistakes, we can not hesitate to forgive our people, parents.

  When we succeed, we celebrate and share our joy with our parents.

  And now we study far away, still worried about our parents. If the world had no sunlight, no water, no parents, no family friendship and love, then what would it look like?

  Without sunshine, there is no warmth. Without water, there is no life. Without parents, of course, we are not ourselves; These truths are obvious, but in life, we often enjoy these moments without a thankful heart.

  I remember last winter, when the weather was bad, the sun was like a shy little girl, always refusing to show her face and playing hide and seek with us. The cloud grew thicker and thicker, giving people a sense of suffocation. Come home from school, blowing the north wind blows, I shivering cold, suddenly I remembered I left coat in school, but I'm too lazy to go back, so we have to stick to the traffic lights, mom is that waiting for me. My mother looked at me without a coat, but I was worried, and hurriedly put my hat on me, but I did not wear it, shivering with cold. In order not to let me worry, still pretend to be ok. Looking at my mother's red face and hands, a warm current flowing through my heart, cold winter no longer cold...

  There are too many examples of parents caring and caring for us, but should we take responsibility and take care of our parents when our parents are sick? To know that even a single word of concern, even a bowl of homemade instant noodles, will soothe our parents' anxious hearts. It's not hard to be thankful for your parents.

  Remember that there was a proposal that said: there is a feeling that always surrounds you so that you neglect its greatness. There is a feeling, always caring for you, so that you numb its thick. Perhaps, your friend's care makes you moved; Perhaps you are grateful for the vagaries of strangers. Perhaps, you are grateful to the teachers for their love. But the only one who CARES about us is our parents. Have we ever been moved, grateful, grateful? In this world, only parents' love for children is the most sincere and selfless. But, parents know love, parents understand dedication, why can't we have a thankful heart? My parents are ordinary, but they gave me a precious life in a breezy morning; It was they who gave me the strength to advance in the crosswind of life. When I encounter setbacks, they give me confidence; It was they who taught me humility when I was proud. Thousands of words will not be grateful to parents, although the years have taken away their youth, they have worn the edges of the youth, but they are in my mind forever irreplaceable. A greeting, a call, a sigh of emotion is a way to repay the parents...

  Let's act together and be grateful to our parents.


  It's easy to be thankful for your parents. Because Chinese parents are most easily satisfied. Maybe you just need to be happy and healthy to grow up and be thankful for them. Perhaps you can only say a word of concern when they are sick, to be thankful for them. Maybe, you just need to get good grades and be thankful for them. You just have to care about them and not worry about them, that's their best hope. What parents do not love their children?

  If you don't believe me, tell us a little story. This is a story that happened in liaoning province:

  There was a mother, who was a year old, who loved to stay at the window all day, and her son did not understand her intention. Her son often told her to watch the floors and be careful in front of the window. Of course, she knew that if she accidentally knocked on the door she would cause trouble for the child.

  Outside the window, it was a road that was not fixed, and across the street was a clearing. As the road was not repaired, there were few people, leaving the mother with a shade. Every time his son came back to the building and looked up, he could see her weather-beaten mother. His mother could see him very quickly, and whenever he looked at him, his mother would smile.

  Mother seldom went out, for she knew that his son would often forget his keys, and he was at home and could open the door for him. One day, the son couldn't help asking his mother, "mom, why do you like to stay at the window?" Then the mother said, "I do not like to see the television in your mouth, but I love the window. It's all like old movies. Every day, I can see you coming back from work, watching you grow up day by day. "

  Later, when his mother died, his son always forgot his keys. And every time I came home, I used to look at the window, mother? The son always forgets that his mother has passed away. The empty window was like a frame without a picture. Only then did the son understand how precious and warm his mother's figure was to him, and he knew that there was a mother's memory in front of the window and her own memory. As long as the mother is in, the home window will have the figure of the mother. It was the most moving picture in every family.

  In life, the care and love of parents is the most selfless, the parents of the good will never tell. Sucking the mother's milk away from the swaddling clothes, grasping the heart of the parents to take the first step of life, in the sweet sound of the nursery sound asleep, in the meticulous care of growing up... How much do we know about this higher than the sky and the kindness of the earth? How much have we paid back?

  Be thankful for your parents. Don't wait for your parents to leave you to be thankful.


  Mom and dad, are you gave me life and brought up me, gave me a warm and happy family, also gave me a lot of meticulous care, here I thank you for raising me.

  I can see so many things in this colorful world and learn how to be a person because of you, because you brought me to this world. In this more than ten years, I learned a lot, now I no longer so capricious, is no longer so naughty, know how to filial piety you, let you always worry about for me, no longer see your forehead on both sides of snow-white hair, I knew you is so hard for me, so tired. The wrinkles on the forehead were gradually increasing, and the body was not so straight.

  You work hard every day, and the youth of your life will create a happy life for me. I feel very happy and happy, because I have your wonderful parents.

  Remember when I was young I always so naughty, so not obedient, so unruly capricious, always blame you, now in retrospect, I really, really good regrets, you are not my side just like human without sunshine. We lack a sense of gratitude to you, so from now on we will repay you for your kindness to me. You've given me so much, and now we're going to pay you back.

  Now I only can do is to study well don't live up to the expectations of you to me, I will try my best to return to you, you use your hands to me created such a good living conditions. My heart aches when you reach out your hands with thick calluses. Sometimes I think. Why would my parents not be a millionaire? How nice it would be to be honest, to be honest, stupid, stupid, and so funny in retrospect. I always fantasize when I'm alone. I think it would be foolish for anyone else to laugh at my foolish idea. Who are parents working hard for a lifetime? Not for us.

  Now that we have grown up, we will not dream of such childish things. Remember that time we had gym class, the sports teacher's words deeply shocked me, said my heart to go, that is a education, let us know a lot.

  Let us thank our parents with our practical actions, thank them for all they have done for us, thank them for giving us so much love, and thank them for giving me life.

  My father and mother, I thank you, and thank you, and I will listen to you and not make you angry. Let's study Thanksgiving and leave our footprints on every Thanksgiving.


  The years passed by, and the memory of the past always flashed in my mind, reminding me of the past, of the people who helped me, and in the depths of my heart, I thanked them for their insincere words.

  But in those days, who could say he was grateful to his parents?

  Now life is good, the children are grown under the care of parents, children want, parents will try to meet them, and even the sun, the stars in the sky, are willing to pick for them.

  When we are celebrating his birthday every year, whether parents make money, mouth to parents for money, with my parents worked so hard to earn money, triumphant birthday, eat good, drink good, everything is complete, also self-righteous conspicuous in front of your friends. But who knows, behind this extravagant life, who can understand their parents' hardship and hardship?

  Have you ever wondered where you came from? One day in a certain year, you are paid for by sweat, but when we come to the world, parents have another job. In order to give us a comfortable living environment, they always work hard without complaint, and give everything to us without stint, but we don't know. We always say with a rebellious spirit, "parents should give to us." But I don't know how to thank our parents with a grateful heart.

  In our life, there are many difficult bumpy, there are many is unpleasant, but when we meet with all the difficulties, we are all parents around us, are parents encouraged us, give us the courage and strength, let we found ourselves from loss. So, I want to thank my parents for bringing me to this beautiful world and thanking them for teaching me how to be a human being, and thanking them for giving me a wonderful life. So I thank them from the depths of my heart for their greatness and selflessness.

  A writer once said, "when you are young and do not know, when you are not young." In this world, nothing can make up for, but some things are unable to make up for, now let's look at the parents more care, more patience, don't always let parents worry for us.

  We grow up day by day, but our parents grow old. Their hair is white, their waists are bent, and they spend most of their lives on us, so don't leave any regrets about your life. From now on, I will treat your parents with gratitude, communicate with my parents, and remember my parents' kindness all my life.


  People often say: "father love mountain, mother love like water". A few years ago, I realized the true meaning of this sentence.

  It was the end of my second year at school. One night, I stole a lot of junk food from my mother. I started to feel good, but I didn't wait long, my stomach began to ache, and I hurried to the bathroom. The result is diarrhea. It's so hard, my stomach is like a little bug jumping up and down, like flying out. After a while, he vomited again. The parents were frightened, so they hurried me to the hospital.

  At the hospital, my mother was always there to comfort me, and dad ran up and down to pay the bills and take the medicine. There were so many patients in the hospital that we were placed in a ward of eight people. When the water came to rest, because there was only one bed, mom asked dad to go home and rest. She's here with me. Just at first, I fell asleep slowly because I lost the water. But it didn't last long, and by the middle of the night, a pang of pain woke me up again. I was not very clear at that time, and I looked at the unfamiliar environment and froze. My mother stared at me, frightened and frightened. Hold me in my arms and shout my name. I froze for a moment, cried a mother, and burst into tears. She was crying and spitting out. She was all over her mother, and she was dirty on the bed. He woke up with a start. I can't help it. While she was cleaning, she called her father. Dad hung up the phone and came to the hospital in the middle of the night as quickly as possible. My father carried me on his back, and my mother took things and comforted me. We took a taxi back home. Later, my mother said that when my father came out, because my home was a little far from the main road, my father was afraid of delay. He kept on running until he saw the face and stopped to wave. In the winter, he ran out of sweat.

  The illness kept me in the hospital for five days. My mother stayed with me all the time, and my father rushed to buy food and drink to the hospital after work. By the time I got out of the hospital, my mother was already full of blood, and my father seemed to be thin.

  Whenever my mother talks about this, I can feel the feelings of my parents, and realize their deep love for me. When I was growing up, my parents paid a lot for me.

  So I am thankful for my parents, who gave me life; Grateful parents, they gave me warmth and happiness; Thanks to my parents, when I was sick, they ran for us... In the future, I will take care of myself and let my parents worry less. In the future, when the parents are tired, they will beat them on their backs and give them a basin to wash their feet and relieve their fatigue.


  The days are always like the yarn that slips through the fingers, quietly passing away. The sorrows of the past, washed away with the wave of the years, and the joys and smiles that remain, linger in the depths of memory. Don't ignore the truth, let the years of wind and frost mask the world's precious family. "There is always something that the years cannot melt away." It will not be extinguished by the passing of time, it will be with us all the time, to dispel darkness and bring light to us.

  We are living in a modern society, was surrounded by dense commercial atmosphere, like tied in a high-speed operation of the machine, we did not observe other people's emotional world, also forget the taste their own emotional world. We are always used to do not know how to cherish when we have it, we will not know the value until we miss it. The power of inertia, let us lose a lot of good things, in which the family family occupies a huge proportion. We must cherish all the good things, don't wait until we can't make up, just think of compensation. It is the wisdom of life to cherish what we have, not to wait for it to be lost.

  When we grow up, we often forget the way home, whether we have heart or not. But have we ever experienced the state of mind of our parents in their late years? Go home and look at our parents, and let our parents know that we have at least them in our hearts, and we are running home, because we already owe too much emotional debt.

  "There is an end to the road, love is endless." The difference between people and ordinary animals is that people have feelings, morality, gratitude and justice. We often say that "filial piety" is the requirement to be a child we must be grateful to our parents. Gratitude is a kind of morality and a philosophy of life. Everyone should have a heart of gratitude, for those who have given birth to us, to those who have raised us, to those who have helped us to reach maturity.

  "Parents in, not far away", is a thousand years old training, although some old, but has its own truth. Don't be too greedy when we play outside or play outside. Remember that our parents and our parents need all the lonely old people we care about!

  Fortunately, we still have the opportunity now, please cherish the love of parents, parents of tolerance, so that the mother and parents can be happy, happy life, do not leave any regrets and hate in our hearts. Let us consider a little more for our parents, and go home to spend more time with our parents, so that our parents can enjoy a little more time in their life.


  Without brilliant sunshine, there is no warm things. Without rain and dew, there is no abundance of grain. Without bitterness and hardships, there is no strong-willed character; Without the hard work of parents, we will not grow up today...

  Students, where are we from? When you hear this question, you are sure to say that parents brought us to the world. Yes, one day more than a decade ago, our parents greeted us with tears and a happy smile. But when we came to the world, our parents had a lot of work to do -- take care of us. Although this is a heavy burden, but parents have no complaints to support us to grow up, in order to give us a comfortable living environment, they are always so hard, so hard work. When I was a child, I used to think of it as the right thing to do. Because I do not understand, also do not know the parents' hard work. Now, when I grow up, I know what to do with a grateful heart to understand my parents, but I should take care of and honor my parents.

  I celebrated my thirteenth birthday recently. That day, my first thought is to grateful parents, because had just had our parents, we have a chance to survive in this colorful world to experience life of hot and cold, enjoy life happiness and happiness. They gave us meticulous care. Children are happy, the happiest are parents; The children have the anguish, the most concerned is the parents; Children have good grades, the most proud parents. The love of parents is as deep as the sea. Therefore, regardless of the parents' social status, knowledge level and other qualities, they are the greatest benefactors of our life, and the most worthy of us to love forever!

  The luxuriance of trees is attributed to the raising of the land, the growth of the children and the hard work of the parents -- in your big, warm bosom, I really feel the dedication of love!

  Kiss is selfless, maternal love is great, on the way of our growth, has experienced many hardships, every failure, mother accompanied us sad, every time the success of the mother accompanied us happy, there is a singing of good: there is only a mother good, have mama of children like a treasure, yes, to oneself good is loved ones in the world, so I want to thank my mother.

  Remember when I was a child, often sick, mom often up and took me to see a doctor in the middle of the night, one night, the weather is very cold, I have a fever again, dad on a business trip, my mother it behind my back to see the doctor, the howl of the wind blowing and the rain gently, on the way, mother is walking difficult step and step, has walked a few four metres, I stubborn to down from mom's back, but my mother always refused to, in this way, I in mother's back, holding the umbrella, my mother just let Ann, I put the powder in the hospital, my body was dry, but mother is wet, quiet night, the hospital is also quiet, the side horse pulling I registered in a hospital, to the pediatrician, the doctor is on duty, looking at us, let's sit down and hastily asked, he gave us but, mother went to the medicine, gave the nurse aunt, after a while, with out, put a needle, for my mother accompanied me until I finished the needle back to home, she didn't go to sleep for a while, looking at mother tired appearance, my heart is, warm and feel guilty.

  Mother, gave me a selfless love, give us life, without her, there is no me, she used all her life work training, I take care of me, today, I was in the junior middle school, have a certain ability to independence, can also help my mother do some housework, let her rest for a while, also less fatigue for a moment, looked at the mother pick me up from school to go to school every day, I really have a say a feeling, how I hope they can grow up overnight, help her do some housework, whenever I so when you talk to with, she always smiled, I know, mom's best hope is to hope that I can test good, can study well and got a good college in the future, I will realize this wish her!


  The moon is in the sky, we are in the ground; Like our parents in the cape, and we are in the world, the moon is higher and higher than the clouds. And we go too far again also could not walk parents' thoughts, alternation of day and night, the four seasons cycle, day after day, year by year, we are happy to grow, become today by the students of the individual not reasonable vigorous youth, but do you realize that the parents both temples to already showed gray! The merciless sword of the years has carved deep furrows in their faces, "the waters of the Yellow River are gone, and they are gone forever. The king is not seen with his white hair, and his face is white as snow. Even though they are no longer young, though they are busy all day long, they have no regrets, even though they have grey hair.

  We always think that it is natural for parents to raise their children, but we should also understand that filial piety is more natural and obligatory. Recently, comrade Zhang Shangyun deeds of sensation of the country with the higher leadership calls on us to learn from Zhang Shangyun, this is not only we learn he indomitable and unyielding spirit of The Times but also we should show filial obedience parents, learning him's sense of honor to the traditional virtues of filial piety. China is an ancient civilization. We should not only inherit the profound cultural knowledge from our ancestors, but also inherit the fine tradition of honoring our parents. In ancient times, the emperor shun moved heaven and earth, dong yong sold his body to bury the father, wang xiang for his mother's cold ice. And "lotus lantern" myth in the story of the "yong Chen xiang opened save mother" is enough to make us understand such a truth: the ancients can so to filial piety, and we should learn these as the new century are more this with the filial piety, learn to be grateful.

  To filial piety. Be a filial parent.

  Zhang shangyun's mother is happy, because she has a sensible and filial son. Don't you want someone to give your parents a pat on the back and don't want your mother to get a deserved return? Actually parents really low to our demands, even say a small talk, do a simple household chores, pass a good report card, they will feel happy, very satisfied.

  "The tree wants to be quiet, the son wants filial piety and the kiss is not." Instead of blaming yourself for not being able to honor them when their parents are away, it is better to give one more action at this time and do your utmost to fulfill your filial duty. With filial piety on the road, struggle has the momentum; With filial piety on the road, life will be more brilliant; With filial piety on the road, life will be more brilliant! Friends, let us work with filial piety, to create a better future together!

  Students, let us learn Thanksgiving parents! Treat your parents with a thankful heart, communicate with your parents with a sincere heart, and stop thinking that your parents should help us do anything. They brought us to this beautiful world, is great enough, and will we raise, thanked, silently pay for us, we don't blindly demanding their pay. Thanksgiving! Thank the parents for the little drop.


  The love of parents, love is like the sea, light like smoke, a mountain of kindness... .

  The migratory bird is grateful for the forest, because the forest allows it to rest; The eagle is thankful for the sky, because the sky allows it to soar; The fish are grateful to the river because the river lets it swim. We are grateful to our parents because they have given us life and nurtured our growth.

  Speaking of grateful parents, we have to mention the story of the ancients thanking their parents. 24 filial piety of the drawings "in a" zi lu keep close negative meters "the story of the immoral zi lu as a child born in a poor family, often eat vegetables, but he did not complain, instead, worried that their parents not enough nutrition, home to hundreds of miles away to buy m supporting parents, no matter the cold sun, never stopped. "Lu ji's mother huaidan orange" tells us such a story: lu ji followed father to visit his home, the orange of the host to hide two, for the mother of the home to bring back to the fresh... We are moved by the story of filial piety, which makes us feel ashamed.

  Searching for memories, I found that my parents had paid so much for their 13 years of growth, and I had very few rewards for them. Every day they arrive, hard-working, give me to create the most superior learning and living environment, but I think for granted, unbridled, wasteful spending their hard-earned money, occasionally even furious because desires not satisfy.

  Be grateful to your parents. Don't stop at words. The best return actually very simple, do not need gorgeous words, also do not need empty promise, as long as listen to parents' teachings, study hard, work hard, with a beautiful transcripts of study, work and life, plus a heartfelt thanks and regards, enough.

  Life is full of Thanksgiving, people's life is the most grateful is the parents. Let us remember the kindness of our parents and the parenting of our parents. Wind and rain life, thanks for you, accompany me!


  The warm sun shone in the cold heart. The tall tree stood proudly in the storm, protecting the little tree. The sweet smile of the parents, let the young and fragile heart to rely on, light our hearts of hope. Our parents are the boats that carry us from youth to maturity, and give us the harbor of happiness, the sails of our long voyage... We should be grateful to our parents for our good intentions, for our love.

  Parents often teach us to study hard, and we? But often live up to the parents of a great care, always so young and frivolous, not to think. We ignore the signs of our parents' faces and temples when the years are silent. How many years have passed through the sigh of my parents; How many years have been spent under the guidance of parents. But we can never give our parents a satisfactory answer. We should study hard, strive hard, and give thanks to our parents, so that we can live up to their pains.

  "Boy, get up and eat." The mother told us to get up and eat again, and we just answered and slept for a while. Mother gets up early in the morning to cook, afraid that we go to school late, but always can't wake us up, is this worthy of the mother? "Boy, wash your feet." When my mother brought the washing water to the front of us watching the cartoon, we just went along with it and never thought to wash our parents' feet for the whole day. We should care for our parents so that we can live up to our parents' pains.

  "Dad, why didn't you pick me up today?" When we got home and dumped our schoolbags in anger and asked our parents, our parents could only drag their tired bodies from the couch and laugh at us with apologies. We had thought that our parents were tired of making money, and when they came back from work to pick us up, they saw our angry, wide-open faces. Our parents are attentive to us, willing to bear our reproach in silence. In the 21st century, how can we live up to our parents? We should understand parents, not always stand in their own position to think about the problem, also want to think for the parents, so that they are worthy of their good intentions.

  Every little thing is considered insignificant, but thankful parents need to prove it with their own actions. We are still young, we do not have the ability to earn money, what the parents want is not material reward, but spiritual, that sincere gratitude. Let us accept all this with a heart of Thanksgiving, with the truth to express the glory of love, to write the heartfelt feeling of gratitude. At the same time, in order not to let the family love in the life become fragile, please send a word that is not extravagant but let the person feel warm and warm for their parents!


  Grateful parents teach us to say the first sentence; Teach us to write the first word; Teach us how to take the first step in life... As we grow up, our parents take care of us, encourage us, and accompany us...

  During the first military training, we took part in a tug-of-war. When the instructor told us to rest, all of us were half dead, and when we heard the drill, we sat down happily.

  But before he could sit up, he had to stand up -- commanded by the instructor. The instructor asked us if we were tired, and we all said we were tired. But the instructor said, "you are tired when you pull up this grass. Have you ever thought about your parents, who worked from the morning to the evening and said they were tired?" Yes, parents work from dawn to dusk every day without saying how tired they are. Why should we be tired when we pull up such a bit of grass? In summer, my father plants rice in the hot sun. In the autumn, when the parents save some money, they don't ask the harvester to cut themselves, but for many days, do they say they are tired?

  When I was drying rice, my mother asked me to help look at the rice. Don't let the birds eat. Have I ever thought about how my parents feel? Military training, we have a "Thanksgiving, to" lessons, I was elected the leader of the small, as long as there is some other students make mistakes, I will accept the punishment, from the first ring I will continue to run - think there are some other students make mistakes. When I first ran out of school in front of my classmates, I saw all my classmates burst into tears, and many students asked to run for me, but I didn't. It reminds me of my parents, who always work so hard every day. They never ask for leave and have no real rest. I told them to take a break, not to get tired, but parents didn't. Some people say that when they grow up, they want to buy a big house to repay their parents. Some people say that they will buy a car for their parents in the future. Some people say they want to make a lot of money in the future, what their parents want, what they buy for their parents, let them be happy... Always ignore many things around you.

  What parents really want is our love. When our parents are sick, we bring a glass of water and care about it, our parents will be happy. When parents work hard to come back, we help parents do some housework, parents will be happy; When we test our ideal results, we tell our parents that our parents will be happier.


  Thanksgiving, since ancient times is a kind of civilized etiquette, is a healthy state of mind, so, it is very important to learn to be grateful. There are many people in the world who deserve our gratitude. Parents, teachers, classmates, friends... But the most grateful people in the world are our parents.

  Most of our parents are ordinary people or workers, but in the hearts of their children they are the greatest people in the world. Words can't describe how our parents love us. From the moment we were born, our parents had a new mission: to take care of us, education. When we were young, our parents washed our diapers and lulled us to sleep. At that time, we didn't realize our parents' hard work, and now we are growing up, and we gradually realize that it is not easy for our parents. Parents in to work every day and take care of our food and clothing live line, head of silver and his forehead wrinkles more and more, but they have no time, they all thought we do in the children's body, in order to put our education into useful people. And we sometimes get angry at our parents and even talk back to them. Think of all this, how guilty we are in our hearts.

  Once heard such a story: there was a little girl and parents quarrel, angry ran out of the house, he's gone far away, until you find a sell wonton, after the old woman to feel belly is very hungry, but he had no money, see the old woman, give her cook a bowl of delicious hot wonton, she was moved to tears, then, to know that he is running out, the old woman said to her: baby, I just gave you a bowl of wonton, you are so moved, but your parents raise you've more than ten years, why are you still quarrel with them? The girl leng, after eating wonton, she twisted her head to go home, far, he found her parents at the intersection waiting for her!

  Yes, sometimes we can be grateful for the little things that others have given us, but we can't see them for the rest of their lives. Is cold, parents give us warm, hot, is the parents gave us a fan for others, hunger is when parents give us a meal, be agitated when parents give us share sorrow, is our parents teach us strong in the face of difficulties. Poor parents, my dear parents, we do not understand how you should not!

  "Grateful heart, thanks for having you, with my life, let me have the courage to face... "A familiar voice came from my ear. Moment education we, parents care about us, encourage us, we have to do now is to understand the parents, study hard, get good grades, in the future become a useful person and make my parents proud of us. In this way, I am grateful to my parents, and I also urge all my classmates to participate in the actions of the grateful parents.


  Mother's hands are always cold, and father's feet are always rough.


  We often hear a song in our ears: "grateful heart, thank you, accompany my life, let me have the courage to be myself; Grateful heart, thank destiny, flowers bloom, I still cherish... How noble and pure the song is.

  How many people care and care for you when you land, though you were still in a twilight state, but the feeling that you were able to experience, was considerate? Is warm? I think everyone should know. Mother's consideration, father's severity, sister's concern, brother's love... Isn't the best manifestation of family affection? Do we need to act to prove the existence of gratitude?

  Remember the winter of the previous years, my mother washed clothes for me under the freezing cold, the water was so cold and piercing, but the mother did not feel like washing clothes there. I went over and asked her. "Mom, isn't your hand cold? She was surprised and then came back to her: "it's not cold, it's not cold, you see my hands are still steaming." I thought it was hot, but when I learned physics, I realized that it was a cold snap. I sigh, why didn't I serve my mother a cup of hot tea? Because I don't know... Why is mother's hand always cold?

  Last night, I went home with excitement, because I had decided to do something to thank my parents for washing their feet. In order to give them a surprise, I deliberately finished the meal and burned a large pot of water... Wait. Wait. When they came together to rest after dinner, I didn't know how to put the chairs, water basins, hot water... Put it all out. They were startled by my behavior, and (happily, they surprised me) first of all, I asked my mother to sit at the VIP table (because my mother gave me life, of course, special!) I use my self-taught "wash feet" god palm, do the rubbing, right wipe... I'm tired, but I'm not reluctant. Then my father made the VIP seat, and I used all my strength to wash my father's comfortable feet. When I touched my father's feet. It was found that his feet were much rougher than his old feet, and he had more than one scar. Ah! My father has paid so much for me, and I should have paid more... Why are father's feet always rough?

  Give birth to my parents! How long have you paid for me? When will I be rewarded?


  We can only be born in this world and feel the beauty of the world because of our parents.


  There is a song like this: "grateful heart, thanks for having you, with my life, let me have the courage to be myself. Grateful heart, thank destiny, flowers bloom, I will cherish!"

  Yes, every one of us should have a grateful heart, to thank others, to thank you for the good of the society, but we are the most should thank our parents, no parents, no we today, no parents, we should not be able to feel the world better.

  Mother gave birth to us in October, feeding us when we were young, feeding, bathing and so on. Times education, worry about us. In October, it was a difficult process, and eating was not easy to eat, play or play, and it was restrained and bound. This is for our safe birth. We don't understand, in a few years old, naughty, naughty, do something wrong, parents will be patience taught us, the adolescence, we have a mind of your own, think oneself is already an adult, and parents often loses his temper, capricious, don't understand parents think they are boring, wordy, did you ever know, that is the embodiment of the parents' love! Parents pull us up, work hard for us, and worry about us all the time. As the saying goes: "the mother has not seen, the mother is uneasy" thus can be seen, the parents love how great ah!

  Some people think that parents are good to us, it's their duty, it should be, right? Wrong, big mistake, they are good to us, because of the love in the heart, do wrong, parents will tolerate you, forgive you, also because they love you. What a long time it is for parents to spend 50 years with us on average. This means they have to worry about, love, care, and work for 50 years.

  The classmates! Shouldn't we be grateful for such a great love? Gratitude to others will have to begin from grateful parents, cared more about them, a day to take care of them, as they do on a pot of delicious food, listen to their words, study hard, I believe, they'll be very happy!

  Thank your parents, thank them for their years of companionship and guidance, and say to them, "mom and dad, thank you, I love you!"


  When I was a child, there was a strong smell of smoke, which was my father's breath. There was an aromatic breeze, the mother's hands; There was a thorn in the hand, a father's beard; There was a crisp music, that was a mother's laugh... But now, the spike is gone, because my father's beard is long; The breeze is gone, because mother's hand is callous. Because of me, my father's heart is broken, because of me, my mother's tears have dried...

  We may have been lying in the window hoping that if my father was a big boss, I would go to five star restaurants every day for dessert. If my mother is a big boss, I ask her to hire dozens of bodyguards every day to accompany me to school. And what about the wishes of mom and dad? Maybe they want them to have a cup of tea at work. Perhaps hoping to get up in the morning and see a delicious meal on the table; Maybe we want to cover them with a quilt when we go to bed at night...

  Every time we do well in the exam, parents always buy a lot of things to invite friends and relatives to eat. When they get a bonus or a promotion, they come home only to face our faces and our frustrations. And they only listen quietly and quietly, and when we ask them why they don't get mad at us, they laugh and say, "it's the nature of the tree that makes the child unique." And we don't know how bitter it is under that stiff smile...

  "The mother of a thousand miles is not worried." When we were living in a foreign country, did we think of our parents who would not leave their homes for a long time, or did they think of the silver thread on their head? When our parents are living in a foreign country, can we think of them holding cell phones, waiting for the text messages we send to them, or thinking that their eyes are so faint that they can't even see the phone?

  If we were the sea, then the fish in the sea would be giving us a silent tribute, and the most species of fish is the parents; If we are the fire, then the moths that jump on us are willing to give everything for us, without expecting anything in return, and the most obsessed moths are parents; If we are the earth, the earthworms that are our soil are the people who cooperate with each other, and the earthworm that has been working non-stop is the parent...

  My parents' love gave me a ray of light when I was in darkness. My parents' love gave me an umbrella when I was in the rain. My parents' love gave me a big hand when I was afraid. Parents are not doraemon, can help you the second time, they can help you temporarily, can not help you!

  Don't complain about your parents anymore. How long can you live with your parents?


  Parents are our first teachers. I learned to walk under their knees; I learned to write under their guidance; I learned to be a man under their education... Everything that parents do for us comes from a starting point: love. Under the influence of love, I am growing up.

  The average child has a kind mother, strict father, while my father and mother are the opposite, mother is very strict, father is very kind.

  Night quietly come, even the moon hanging in the sky, quietly in a small house in the moonlight, I'm tired of v on the writing desk job, this is the mother gave me to a cup of hot milk came in and asked: "chenchen, how many didn't write to play?" "There are so many different things." "I complained," it's too late to finish English today, plus the teacher's homework. I don't know how to sleep at nine." My mother heard my complaint and said nothing, but left quietly, and I wrote my homework on my desk. After a while, I went to the living room to pick up the ink bottle, and found that the light was still on in the living room, and my mother raised the sound of the TV to the smallest, and yawned and looked at it. I'm glad to say to my mother, "mom, you go to bed soon, I don't have to be able to finish writing, don't wait for me." Mother gently "hum", did not get up, I did not care, and went back to do homework. When I finished my homework, it was already half past nine. I stretched myself lazily. Her mother came over and asked, "are you done?" Only then did I realize that my mother had been with me, not sleeping. "Why aren't you asleep?" I asked. "Only if you sleep, can I sleep well." My mother closed the lamp for me, and when I lay in the warm bed, my complaint and misunderstanding turned into tears and turned in my eyes.

  Mother has a lot to my request, especially there are too many do not allow material needs, but also good I have a good father, no matter what demand, as long as reasonable can satisfy my dad, so my father in my heart status is very high. There is a "war" in my family. I always go to my father, and my mother is very angry.

  Whether it's mom's eyes, or my father's kindness, I know that they are the ones who love me so much and love me so much. From the beginning of love, my future will be radiant.


  Students, and the moment when we came to the world, many parents to shoulder the burden of heavy, although it is a heavy burden, but they always work hard, we raised without complaint. When I was a child, I used to think of it as the right thing to do. I always thought that my parents had given birth to me, so I should raise me and lead me to an ideal life. In fact, I was wrong, because I did not know, and did not know the parents' hard work. Now that I have grown up, I know that I should take care of my parents with a thankful heart. Honor your parents.

  Students, we have all read such a letter, only three words: father, money, son. The letter, though only three words, was heavy. How do they feel when their parents read this letter? Did he know the letter's son? Maybe in his heart there is only money. But, class, how do we treat our parents? Do we know grateful parents?

  Some students spend holidays with their girlfriends or boyfriends on the street, instead of going home with their parents, leaving their parents behind. As the saying goes: "the mother is worried. How worried they are about their children, thinking of their children day and night! We repay the parents, but we can thank them for everything we do, because they let us stand in this colorful world feel life changes in temperature, parental love, deep as the sea.

  The sheep kneels and the crows feed. Students, do we ask ourselves how much we care about our parents? Have we noticed our parents' birthdays? Have you given a gift to your parents? There is a folk proverb: son's birthday, niang day. When you celebrate your birthday, do you want to let your mother die with the pain of death? Do you sincerely wish to give a blessing to the mother who gave birth to your life? China is an ancient civilization. Since ancient times, filial piety has been taught, and Confucius said: "the year of the parents must not be unknown." One for joy, one for fear. That is to say, parents' health, children should always be concerned. According to reports, a sample survey of a middle school in Beijing this year showed that nearly 50 percent of students did not know their parents' birthdays, let alone birthday wishes for their parents. How many of our classmates can remember their parents' birthdays? Students, maybe a blessing to oneself is nothing, but to the parents, this blessing is better than anything, unforgettable, is enough to make them tearful!

  Filial piety comes first. Filial piety, the person of the person also, only know the person who appreciates the parents, can be a complete person. Students, let us learn Thanksgiving parents! Stop asking for their efforts. Be grateful, thank your parents for the little things. Here, wish all the parents happy! Ankang!


  The grace of dripping water is reported. .

  The bird thanks the sky, is the sky let it fly freely; The little stream thanked the sea, it was the sea that made it see the waves. And I want to thank my parents because they taught me so much...

  Thinking, from my birth to the students, a journey is the parents in the care of me, care for me, care for me. How many ups and downs, is the parents help me hoe, how many tears, is the parents to help me dry.

  My parents are the first teachers of my life. It is a light that I have on the road of life. It gives me strength to fly.

  It was my parents who taught me to do things in a high profile and never give up. It was raining hard that night, and knocked down the mud wall of her neighbor's family. The second day morning, my father went to help wanda maiden, I also go to pretend that he a serious, dad let me clean up the rocks on the ground, my talent for a moment, just tired panting, and sweating. So, wanting to sneak away, my father saw, said to me: "xueying, the ability to give up in such a short time, do not do things halfway!" When I heard it, my face went red, and I went back to where I was. In the evening I asked my father, "are you so tired? Before I could finish, my father interrupted me, and then said, "do things in a high profile, never give up!" I still remember this sentence.

  It was my parents who taught me how to keep a low profile. One night, autumn wind, the leaves were blowing everywhere, day not bright mother arose, took up the broom carefully put the pieces of leaves on the road, road become clean and tidy, mother on entering the room, I found that there are so many pearls in her face flashing, ah, is sweat! When the village committee knew, the village chief praised his mother in front of the whole village, and her mother just said a few words: "it is necessary to do things for the village!" These words are still ringing in my ears.

  Dad, mom, you are my favorite person in the world. It is you, let me understand the gratitude, understood "dripping of the grace, must be the yongquan" meaning. One day I will break your arms and be thankful for you, and step on the path that belongs to me.

  The grateful sun gives me light and warmth;

  The moon illuminates the night sky;

  To be grateful for the dawn;

  The spring of Thanksgiving melts the ice and snow;

  Grateful for the land to raise the living creatures;

  Be thankful and learn to be grateful.


  Fourteen years ago, I came to this family in laughter and laughter, bringing joy and hope to the family, and bringing a heavy burden to the family.

  Father is a native of rural people, did not move a penny in the home, by his own efforts alone, entered the weifang, after the marriage, to his poor, originally poor family, my arrival, but also make a: at home.

  Although the father is an undergraduate, but after coming to weifang, everywhere has been crowded out, and the mother two days and nights of labor, salary is only enough for me to buy milk powder. I was so poor that I didn't even have the money to go to my grandma's house to relax.

  Those days, the parents have the opportunity to work overtime work, after you come back to take care of me, my father is as far as possible to meet engineering, risk at the same time, also it makes the father now a pair of white and grey. In those days, I ate milk powder, parents? Noodle soup. Later on, the elders told me that I grew up eating noodles. In fact, it was my parents who ate noodles.

  I grew up with grandma, and my family was better, but my spending was growing. In kindergarten, my mother also wanted me to go to excellent private kindergartens, knowing that one day's tuition would be the equivalent of a mother's day's salary! However, my mother also wanted me to learn the electronic organ, and spent two thousand yuan to buy the best electronic organ at the time, which was a good income for my parents for half a year!

  My parents, who have no regrets about their youth, they have no young happiness, only the desire for the economy and care for me. They didn't owe me anything, but they didn't want anything in return and invested in me, and now, for a long time, they will be investing. In their hearts, I am their hope, their palm.

  I went to elementary school, my parents seemed to be relieved, but they didn't, they didn't let me fall to others, in order to let me have a good future. A steady stream of economic and spiritual support for my studies, and my constant attention to my studies, although I have never embarrassed my parents, I never gave my parents a gold. Even so, they don't stop trying. Seeing the parents to add silver, the face is now gully, I helpless, my heart ache. But I swear I will not let my parents live a good life, I am worthy of being a man!

  I owe my parents, and I can't live in this life, but at least I want my parents to straighten up in front of others!


  "Filial piety" has a very long history in Chinese history, such as "filial piety", in which the author says, "filial piety is the same as filial piety." Filial piety is the essence of virtue, whether it is the han dynasty or the jin dynasty, the jin dynasty, the jin dynasty and the jin dynasty. Confucius advocated filial piety also said baiban (human, so today we also need a letter to express his filial piety to parents, in the form of a letter, in ancient times, has inherited many take in missing for hometown, contributed to the historic thought of how many love poems.

  "Hundred good filial first" the culture of the Chinese nation has a long history, with the continuous development of social science and technology, people's life constantly improve, people are displaced, leaving only their parents at home, busy and noisy city way of life makes people filial also slowly change, people gradually also let parents good food on the table, but parents want is not the case.

  What they had in mind was very simple, just hoping that they would come back often and see what they had to say. Sometimes, people hope so, but the inconvenience of transportation makes it difficult. Today, the traffic is convenient, the number of people go home to visit his parents also less, is the convenient traffic has caused people's indifference or cold apathy prompted the development of the traffic, deplorable, busy people today think it is not seriously. We must wait for our parents to die before they feel sorry for themselves. Let's take care of our parents from now on.

  "Biao" is the eternal masterpiece, lee and the secret to his sincerity moved by the emperor of filial piety, shi biao lost his father since childhood, clear click-sould alone, grandmother grew up care to promote its success, then grandmother sunset west hill, at the point of death. Later, the words moved the emperor to repay his grandmother's kindness and treatment, and later, because li mi still chose to fulfill his filial duty, he made a good speech of "whining, complaining and being loyal".

  Put down your cell phone and write a letter to express your thoughts, put down your work and make a phone call to see how well they've been lately, put down their worries and take a train back to them... An old their parents in jet black hair, their body is not to stop, their line of sight is not vague, let us lose before they let them have a good look at us, see if they had raised more than 10 years the change of the children now, look at that once starving children now grow up in their mother's arms. Yes, they're really old, we don't make an excuse for our laziness, returned to their parents, it is the responsibility of filial children they be quiet, then call more, care about them, let them know that all the sons and daughters of filial piety, even if it is only a short letter and comforted them.


  Parents all over the world love their children, but the way they love can be very different. There is a word of encouragement, there is a smile in the eyes, there is a child fun movie, there is a bag of delicious snacks... Today, I say my parents love me.

  On that day we went to the theatre to see the play, and at a distance, the flags waving at the gate were like the surging waves in the wind. Even though it was a bitterly cold winter, the fields were covered with a thick layer of frost, and the popularity of the theatre grew. On stage, the actors from all sides of the stage showed their 18 martial arts and unique skills, and the enthusiastic applause from the audience was deafening and deafening. In the sea of people, some people eat special snacks, they open their mouth like a tiger, as if swallowing a big watermelon is not a word; Some are slow and slow to savor the aroma of food; There is also the novelty of the gadget, playing "crackle", the face of joy.

  I watched the show, eating popcorn and drinking milk tea, dancing with joy. Soon after I finished eating the watermelon, the thunder and the "dark clouds" stirred in my stomach and made me sweat, and then I ran to the toilet and began to pour. Seeing me, my mother was very upset, but my father said absent-mindedly, "let you eat and eat something wrong! What a suck!" I was so sad that I could not help murmuring: "I've been doing this, and you've been adding insult to injury, adding insult to injury... "When I once again to run to the toilet, enfolding her tummy, mother sit still, wonderful programs can not attract her anymore, she pulled me, urged also see with relish dad out of the theatre, straight to the hospital. Dad was still sneering at me as he drove carefully.

  I was sent to the emergency room and the doctor examined me. Ten minutes, fifteen minutes, twenty minutes... My mother was walking anxiously outside the door, like an ant on a frying pan. Dad casually took the newspaper and sat there, looking at it with relish. Finally, the doctor came out and said, "children don't have a lot of big things, common enteritis, eating disorders." The words sounded like the sound of nature, and mother sat weakly in her chair, and the suspense was over. After a little bit of home, my mother went to make a rice porridge and gave me a mouthful of food, and my father said again and again the importance of food safety at the table.

  This moment I finally understand: mother love is a ray of sunshine, let your heart even in the cold winter can feel warm spring; Father love is like a forest, let your heart even in hot summer can feel cool like autumn.


  To say that my parents love me more than I can say. Mother love like water, like sweet spring water lactation me. Father love like mountain, like a mountain for me to protect the wind and rain, give me warmth. But how much do I love my parents?

  When I won't do the topic, my mother told me, speak again and again, but I still can't, so mom and patience to tell me, I will, very happy, thought: this time, thanks to the mother. When I was young and noisy to ask for toys, my mother always promised me the request, and gave me sweet and delicious food. When I was about to play the big horse, my father lay down to make me a big horse. When I was happy, my father was happier than me, because I was happy and my father would be happier. How much do I think of my love for my parents? I didn't give a damn. But I must be a good helper to my mother.

  I want to cook delicious meals for my parents. As for the housework, I guarantee that the house will be clean and bright, so that the guests will like to go to our house as soon as they enter the house, and I will wash the clothes. Every morning I let my mother eat delicious food. I can only let my parents do their own thing. Besides study, I in addition to his study well, take parents went to the library, also want to buy a few books on to the parents, in fact, I just put the adults and children of the dry do change.

  During the summer vacation, you should take your parents to travel around the country, look around, see the beautiful places in China, and take mom and dad to the hot spring to soak in a bubble.

  When we were very young, mom and dad would teach us a lot of things. For example, when we were young, we didn't even use a spoon. For example, when I was young, my shoelace was untied, my parents taught us to tie shoelaces and fasten them. I still can't, my parents are not discouraged, and I patiently teach them. When my parents are old, I will also patiently teach my parents a lot of things.

  At the time of a day off, I had finished my homework I will play sports with my parents, such as run, jump rope, rubber band skipping, I and my parents also play some sports games, such as playing sandbags, kicking shuttlecock, step, step on the foot. I want my parents to find their childhood again and find happiness.

  Although the above mentioned are all I imagined, but I will make the imagination come true. I can't do it all right now, but I have a chance to make my wish come true. I will take good care of my parents and make my parents healthy and happy every day. This is my greatest love for my parents.


  At once, the summer vacation is over, leave now has more than 10 days, somehow, a kind of sadness, melancholy feeling got into my heart, every summer and winter vacation fast at this kind of feeling, may be the holidays and parents stay together of the time is longer than in the past a lot of, feel the love of parents more than ever a lot, so will some don't adapt to the school.

  Speaking of the love of my parents, I feel that I have been surrounded by this kind of love. I am like a small seed, planted in the field of love; Like a baby eagle, growing up in the sky of love.

  I remember when I first came to the truth, that winter, the wind was biting and the snow was falling. At noon that day, I went back to the bedroom, give a call in the home, want to ask how are things at home, in the "beep, beep," after a few times, I feel there someone answered the phone, I listen to sound, the original is my mother. I said, "mom, home... "Before I had finished speaking, my mother interrupted me immediately and said," dong dong (my nickname), it is too cold for this day. Do you have enough clothes, and the quilt is not thin?" When I was a little girl, I was tired of my mother's nagging, and she said, impatiently, "it's all right, I'm not cold. Oh, you shouldn't worry about my business." Then I asked my dad to answer the phone...

  At noon the next day, I went back to the dormitory, life the teacher told me that my mother, in her room waiting for me, I was quite surprised, hurried into the teacher's room, I saw my mother, as she sat on a stool, sitting beside her a thick quilt and a big bag of my clothes. She saw me come in, and stood up and walked to the front of me said: "I wanted to think carefully yesterday, you take only a few pieces of very thin clothes, quilt cannot resist cold, so, this morning, I pick up some of your thick clothes, and give you a set of a thick quilt, and then quickly take a taxi coming." I was still blaming mom for being too much trouble, too much. I felt so ashamed to hear her words, my mother loved me, she was afraid of my cold. If she doesn't have me in her heart, she won't go to great lengths to get my clothes. At this time, she might as well lie in bed and sleep.

  I thought of the "wandering song" of mengjiao, which was written in two sentences: "the hands of the mother, the clothes on the body. I am afraid of delay. Yes, every writer is afraid of his children suffering outside. It's a rule, a necessity, because they love children.

  The love of parents is higher than the sky, thicker than the earth, greater than anything!


  You said to me, eyes are moist, is full of wrinkles of canthus, black hair in the moss, the calluses at hand as a symbol of your age, and call upon me is you look forward to and care for me.

  I have come to this world with fire and wind, and I have become the eternal love in your heart, which is destined to be the care of your life.

  You tell my childhood, childhood I lovely obedient, like, your gift is can be worth to company with the rest of his life, you said, eyes full of stars, the stars is endless love and warmth inside, is work. The peach tree has fallen out of the window, I began to grow up, my personality is different from before, learned to importune, the dark side of me gradually revealed, you said I changed, I hate you from the bottom of my heart. You ask me to face the world with kindness, I think you are hypocritical, even a little disgusted. There is no sign for me. I hate you for no reason.

  In the cold winter, a layer of ice formed on the river, but that layer of ice cracked. I quarreled with you and you hit me with those calloused hands, and I thought you were demons, and those who said love me were lies, you are liars. I don't speak you, a long time, until one day, I saw you in the corner secretly wipe the tears, my heart melted, so I take the initiative to disclose to you, you also think I apologized, melted the ice on the river, be in harmony for an organic whole, the crack also look not to come out anymore.

  The peach trees out of the window and offered a new bud, I become not so sharp, thorns are time slowly smooth, I began to learn to stand in the other's perspective, learn to understand you, considerate of you, trying to prove himself.

  The peach trees outside the window open flowers, you said, I will all remember, you said, I will listen carefully.

  Your love is wordless, like the peach tree outside the window, like a silent book, from reading comprehension to understanding, there must be a process, and this process is actually so important, so precious.

  I try to understand the words that you say, and I try to understand your words, my parents, and I will listen to you in the future.


  My parents gave me the starting point of my life, so that I could laugh and sing freely. My parents give me comfortable home, so that I can grow up in a comfortable environment; My parents gave me encouragement and gave me hope for success in failure. I was an ordinary student, and my father and mother sent me a fragrant emissary, but I did not know their good intentions, and I understood them at that time.

  "No son, no father." But I don't think it is the father's fault that the child learns well, but the child itself, has the heart to understand the father's teachings. My father is an ordinary truck driver, a ordinary but again ordinary job, and my neighbor's fault but is their eyes on his head, their father is not a local tyrants is big boss, and I often and say "hello" for them is: "the poor child." And my father told me that it was very expensive, but that was the last time I could bear it. It was the gentleman who didn't do it. I taught them to respect others. I cursed them for failing to invest, and the money was naturally a meat bun, and if there was no return, there would be a drop in the air. Also played them, that it was I vent scene, all be calm face behind my father listened to, and a wave of his hand, my face instantly become irritable, eyes immediately out of the sweat, I was forced to apologize for them, but I'm not convinced. Perhaps they were afraid of me, and they never laughed at me again. My father kept silent and ignored me. And the silence also reminds me that I want to be more expensive, to walk my own way, do not care about other people's eyes. That time, I read my father.

  Washington was the founding President of the United States, when he was playing as a child accidentally cut into his father's favorite tree, but he did not escape, but take the initiative to admit a mistake, and Washington's mind and courage also determines the fate of his success. Japan for the past, turn a blind eye to the nanjing massacre, such as aggression of fascist manufacturing also tamper with the textbooks, to cover up the behavior of the historical truth also let people hate, this, how will not bear the behavior?

  From birth to now, I most afraid of, the most embarrassing thing is that summer, I went to my aunt's house to play, accidentally broke the vase and aunt newly bought for fear of hid the pieces in the bag, pretend as nothing. Mother accept clothes while on my little plot, and let me take the initiative to confess a fault, but I only mistake shouldn't tell a lie to his mother, and I don't want to again because of embarrassing mistake, my aunt is my mother) is seriously said to me: "mother always think you are a girl, but do you have broad mind than boys, I hope you can do a responsible boy." That time I blushed. I finally to aunt also acknowledge a mistake, sure enough, my aunt instead praise criticize me I take the initiative to confess a fault, since then I have decided to do a responsible person, this is I grew up on the road again. That time I read my mother.

  My parents' love is like a book, which needs to be savored on the path of my growth. I am also like the spring grass, even if there is a huge stone on the head, I will try to live a wonderful life. I'm glad and happy because I have a strict father and a kind mother, I'm happy, growing up in the love of me again and again to read them, I also would like to use my future rewards them, is willing to bear all the shackles of for them. I am the flower, they are the bees; I am the river, and they are the sea. I'm happy.


  As a child, I grew up in the care and warmth of my parents. My parents never scolded me or scolded me. I was regarded as the apple of my eye, but I never really knew my parents. Remember once, I do my homework until very late, and particularly difficult, I looked at his watch and have more minutes at 9 o 'clock, I was worried and felt particularly stupid, so mercilessly threw the book to the floor, and mother came and said to me: "don't worry, take your time, you can't eat hot tofu." After hearing this, I gradually calm down, after I finished, it is nearly ten o 'clock, I saw sitting on the sofa are fast asleep, the mother of all quick hard to open the eyes of the mother, the body sway left shaking right, I slapped her lightly on the shoulder, mother asked me: "finished?" I said, "well, go to sleep!" Mother said: "sleep to cover the quilt." My mother would watch me write my homework every time and watch me solve the problem. Sometimes, my mother will buy fruit, but I don't want to eat, say let me eat, I in the long body. While eating the fish, my mother always carefully picked the fish and put the fish in my bowl. My mother knows that I don't like dumplings with meat stuffing, so every time she does, she doesn't like it. My mother cared for me all the time, and there was no time to protect me. Sometimes I really wanted to jump into my mother's arms and say thank you to her.

  Once, the teacher asked us to make corn husks by hand, which made me difficult. I was like an ant on a hot pot. Then my father asked me, "what's the matter?" I told my father the truth. The father said, "it is difficult. I will help you." "I just don't want it. Can you?" The father said, "you see." My father made up a lot of them in the next two years, and the technique was so flexible that it was like an octopus. After making up, I saw that the corn skin was like a pigtail, very neat. I couldn't help admiring my father.

  My father taught me a lot. The first time I rode a bike I was still scared, but now I have been able to do so; The first time I fell, my father encouraged me to stand up. The first time I went to school, my father let me face it. Now I am full of taoli, the first injection, my father told me not to cry, so I have toughened my strong character; The first time a person walks the night, the first time... For the first time, my father walked with me, and my father's earnest teachings were always on my ear, and I wanted to say thank you to my father.

  Father and mother care about me, love me, also always education I, his father's love as a mountain, heavy silence is a sign of his, a mother's love like water, gentle, gentle and graceful is the picture of her, I like a piece of treasure, protected by their silk sewing opaque, watertight, but they will let me go to rush.

  I have grown up, I can understand parents' heart, I can also to undertake the important task of protection of parents, see a few white hairs on their heads and I want to pull, but I am afraid their pain, and I will be brave to protect his parents.


  Our school recently held a "class have songs" activity, after the teacher of teacher wang's repeated choice, our class decided to sing "father".

  The melody goes on, we sing along, we're very committed. In the whole class, we gradually blend into our emotions and enter the story of the song. As the song reached its climax, one or two girls cried.

  The song is played over and over again, and the students' songs also have a crypto. Many of the boys want to cry and just raise their heads and hold back the tears that are coming out of the box. Maybe it was the infection of the song, or the influence of the environment, and the corners of my eyes were moist.

  Now, I want to ask, why do we do this?

  We often say that there is a distance between our parents and us, which is caused by learning, which is caused by different understandings. But when do we understand our parents?

  I remember reading two stories about an elderly grandmother who took great pains to take care of her two children, both of whom were disabled. What a pity! And there's a pair of parents, they had a daughter before, but stopped growth in children in infancy, but they did not abandon his daughter, his daughter instead to eighteen, sadly, she hasn't left at the age of 18's birth.

  Why are we not satisfied when our parents are so good to us? Thinking back to my bad words to them, my father's forgiveness, my mother's smile made me feel guilty. One time, mom and dad just gave me a joke, I don't know how frustrated, glass heavily to the table for a while, he shouted while into the room 1 of "bang" shut the door, the next day, I couldn't say "sorry", but also not haggle over every ounce, mom and dad everything as usual. I can't help shaking my head when I think about it.

  Parents are our life coaches, teaching me the truth of life; My parents are our friends, playing and chatting with me. My parents are the harbor where we rest, and give me warmth when I am sad.

  Recent stories to let me know the parents than oneself also good for us, we should not always think parents should have the good to us, they don't owe us anything, just want to make us happy, happy, to become something.

  Thank you, mom and dad.


  It was the autumn harvest season in the country, it was very hot and it lasted a few days, but it was also the best time to harvest the autumn harvest.

  "Ring the bell, ring the bell... There was a rush of frantic phone calls. Pick up the phone. It was grandma. Grandma asked my mother at home? I said no, so grandma said, "xiao fei! When your mother comes back, tell her that grandma told her to come home tomorrow to help harvest the rice. I said, "ok! Grandma, bye." After I hung up the phone, I wrote down the sticky notes on the fridge and went to bed.

  "Get up, get up, get up... I got up as the alarm went off. When I walked out of the room, I saw the empty living room and knew that my parents had gone home. My eyes blurred slightly, brushing my teeth and washing my face and eating breakfast. When I was ready to enter the study, the telephone rang. I picked up the phone, it was my mother, and my mother said to me, "xiao fei! Mom and dad are not in pinghu today, they are helping out. You must be good at home!" "Uh-huh, definitely." Hang up the phone, go into the study to read a book.

  How time flies! In a blink of an eye, it was noon, and just after dinner, when I was going to sleep, "ding bell... Ring the bell... "The phone rang again, and as I impatiently picked up the phone and said," hello, xiao fei, did you have lunch?" "Eat! "It's lovely! Small fins. Mom and dad may be back late today, so go to sleep. "Oh," I went into the room and went to sleep. Outside, the sun was scorching, and the sun seemed to be throwing up a fireball, and the room was sweltering.

  In the evening, the electric fan in the home keeps turning on the ceiling. I take a shower, watch TV for a while, and prepare to wait for my mom and dad to come back. I watched the TV. At 8 o 'clock, my parents didn't come back. So I picked up the phone and dialed my mother's phone. Du... Du...... Hey, mom, why haven't you come back? Are you coming back soon?" "Xiao fei, my father and I are on our way back now. We are dead tired today. The sun has made my skin explode." After saying goodbye to my mother, I put down the phone, and immediately went to the bathroom to soak the two towels. About ten minutes later, I heard the familiar sound of the car, and I knew that my parents had come back.

  Hearing the footsteps, I knew they were coming up. I opened the door and handed the wet towel up. But when I saw my parents, I was scared. Was it my parents? How could it be so tanned and so red? I rubbed them with a towel. They went to take a shower. I am ashamed that I have treated my parents with such loving telephone calls during the day. This day, I think I grew up a lot, also understand a lot. But one thing is the same, I will love my parents, my dear parents! Thank you for all you have done for me, I love you forever!









