
时间:2024-08-10 10:00:24 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  happiness can be described as a positive mood and a pleasant state of mind.

  a good education and income are usually considered necessary for happiness. but the rich are not necessary to be happier than the middle-income group or even those with very low incomes. people with a college education are somewhat happier than those who did not graduate from high school; it is believed that this mainly because they have more opportunities to control their lives.

  yet people with a college education may be less happy than those with on college education.

  moreover, having good health can be very important to people because they can feel happy and have energy to do what they would like to do. nevertheless, poor health does not rule out happiness except for the dying or those in great pain. it should be noted that people quickly get used to what they have, and they are happier when they feel they are increasing their level no matter how little it has be improved.

  the best formula for happiness is to be able to develop the ability to tolerate frustration, to have a personal involvement and commitment, and to develop self confidence and self-esteem.

英语作文 篇2

  The chart gives us an overall picture of the 图表主题。 The first thing we notice is that 图表最大特点 。 This means that as (进一步说明)。

  We can see from the statistics given that 图表细节一 。 After 动词-ing 细节一中的第一个变化, the动词-ed+幅度+时间(紧跟着的变化) 。 The figures also tell us that图表细节二 。 In the column, we can see that accounts for (进一步描述)。

  Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that (结论)。 The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that (给出原因)。 / It is high time that we (发出倡议)。

英语作文 篇3

  How to Ban Drunken Driving?

  Drunken driving cases have been increasing and have caused numerous deaths. Some people suggest drunken driving should be made into a felony while others think that tough penalties may not have much effect on road safety. My view is just as follow.


  As we all know, it is very dangerous to drive while one is drunk. Therefore, drivers shouldn't drive after drinking in order to protect others' life as well as their own. So far, the present Road traffic Safety Law seems to show too much mercy to drunken drivers even though they have caused much trouble to the society. A more severe punishment should be given to those who drive after they have drunk, especially to those who are drunk and have caused serious injuries or deaths while driving.


  In order to crack down drunken driving, the government should introduce a more severe law. Besides, more measures should be taken to cultivate the drivers' awareness of traffic laws and respect others' lives as well as their own when they are driving on the road, which I think should be the key to decrease drunken driving cases.


英语作文 篇4

  cross your heart 你发誓

  gate - crasher 不请自来的不速之客;

  take it easy 凡事看开些, 不要太冲动, 不要看得那么重

  make yourself comfortable 不用约束 (招待客人时说的话)

  you are all wet 你完全误会了

  she is hangover 她昨夜喝醉了

  it’s a matter of time 这是迟早的问题

  I have my limit 我的忍耐度有限

  don’t brush me off 不要敷衍我

  let’s get it straight 我们打开天窗说亮话吧

  what you call this 你这算什么

  how about a bite 随便吃些什么吧

  you can count on me 你可以信得过我

  he see things not people他论事不论人

  we sang the same songs 我们志同道合

  I hope you in the roll 我希望你也能来

  let’s go Dutch 我们各付各的吧

  speak of the devil 说曹操, 曹操就到

  keep in touch 保持联络

  don’t turn me down 不要拒绝我

  don’t let me down 别叫我失望

  man proposes and god disposes 谋事在人成事在天 .

  the weakest goes to the wall.优胜劣败

  to look one way and row another声东击西 .

  in everyone’s mouth.脍炙人口

  to kick against the pricks 螳臂挡车 .

  to give the last measure of devotion 鞠躬尽瘁 .

  to suffer for one’s wisdom. 聪明反被聪明误

  to harp on the same string. 旧调重弹

  what’s done cannot be undone 覆水难收 .

  to convert defeat into victory. 转败为胜

  beyond one’s grasp. 鞭长莫及

  to be severe with oneself and lenient with others.严以责己宽以待人

  a heart of steel. 铁石心肠

  to be guided by destiny.听天由命

  pride goes before a fall 骄者必败

  the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without 不战而屈人之兵

  what is bugging you 什么事使你心烦

  sworn brother 干兄弟, 盟兄弟

  it’s dying art 这是已失传的手艺

  gentlemen agreement 君子协定

  I‘m trying to make ends meet 我尽力要使收支平衡

  prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.富贵结朋友, 患难见真情

  if you wish to be the best man, you must suffer the bitterest of the bitter.吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人

  it is better to fight for good than to fail at the ill.宁为善而斗, 毋屈服于恶

  he who has hope has everything.怀有希望者, 便拥有一切

  self-trust is the first secret of success.自信心是成功的首要关键

  the secret of success is constancy of purpose.成功的.秘绝在于目标坚定有恒

  success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties.成功源于努力去克服困难

  experience is the extract of suffering.经验是受苦的结晶

英语作文 篇5





  久,这次是鼓足了勇气上台的.,希望同学们多多鼓励我,支持我!文静无胜感激! 在我看来,要担任某科课代表不一定要该科成绩最棒,最重要的是看他是否有能力胜任。记得戴尔卡耐基说过:不要怕推销自己,只要你认为自己有才华,你就应该认为自己有资格担任这个或那个职务。我不敢虚夸自己的英语成绩是最棒的。要想当英语课代表,首先要认识,了解它才能做好。英语课代表应为老师分忧,为同学解难,为同学服务,工作要每天按时按量做,才是一个课代表应有的责任心。课代表并不高人一等,遇到难题还是可以去问同学的。这几点,我相信我能做到。如果同学对我的工作有建议或意见的话,可以向我提出来,我一定诚心接受,能当上英语课代表固然是好事,并且尽力做好分内的事。,帮助大家。让我们一起努力吧!



英语作文 篇6

  I Love Guangzhou

  On the map of China, Guangzhou is in the south. It is really a big city. There are so many towns in it. Just in Panyu, there are seventeen towns.

  I live in Panyu and I love it very much. There are many places we can enjoy ourselves. Bao Moyuan is one of the interesting places in Panyu. There are a lot of gold fish in the artificial lake. Some people sell fish food everywhere. You can spend five yuan buying one bag and feed the fish. That’s fun.There are also many big trees, colorful flowers. The nests of birds are on the big trees, they all enjoy themselves very much. Of course, I can have fun every time when I go there.

  Another beautiful place I want to mention is Lotus mountain . That is a good place for praying.. The most important part of it is the tall statue of Guangying. Many people visit there and pray good luck for their families, their marriage, their career. You can also enjoy trees, flowers, waters, stones there. From the top of the mountain, you can also watch the pearl river. That’s really good.

  My hometown is a beautiful and rich place. I like it very much. Warmly welcome to visit here.







英语作文 篇7

  In my opinion,both success and failure are parts of our life. Without success, we won’t know how to make us succeed.And without success, we won’t know what is failure, and even not know what’s the feeling of it.Everyone knows that failure is the mother of success. We will not always succeed in doing everything, on the contrary, we often have to face failure. At this time, we should face it bravely ,because it is possible for us to fail in our daily life.In other words, failure gives us some experience.It is the stair of making us improvement. If we can treat the failure in the correct way, our obtaining the success will be on its way to becoming reality.It is said that getting success is not an easy thing.You must work hard persistently if you want to get the feeling of success. If we know how to deal with failure and success, we will have a wonderful life. But the most important thing we should do is that we should make full use of our precious time and work hard.










