Thank you

时间:2024-06-11 15:49:07 英语作文 我要投稿

Thank you

Dear Henry,

  How are you?I have got home safely.I am going to express my appreciation In this letter.

  As an exchange student,I had lived in your home for a long time.During that time,and you took good care of me,Which I thank for very much.For one thing,You decorated my room And bought me a lot of gifts Before I Went to California.I was deeply touched As soon as I saw my new bedroom.For another thing,You always helped me to learn English.In addition,You are always helpful and patient to Teach me English grammar.What's more,When I argued with other children,You usually comforted me So as to make me happy.

  How kind of you to take good care of me During a so long time.I will give you some gifts to express my appreciation to you.I aware that you like Chinese cultures very much,As a consequence,I will give you some Chinese Traditional craftsmanship Which is a symbol of Chinese.As for Mrs. Peter,I think QiPao is the best choice.She is bound to be beautiful when she wears it.

  I hope you will have a happy vacation.I am looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.



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