
时间:2024-05-25 15:43:26 英语作文 我要投稿





Dear Jack:

  Long time see, I am very glad to hear your news!

  First of all, you have improved your English a lot, congratulations to you.

  Second, you said you wanted to make a girlfriend, but I don't agree with you, you are thirteen after all, you are in the age to learn knowledge and skills.

  Third, you asked me for help to find a dictionary which can be used to translate Chinese into English and English into to Chinese,I got it, you can receive the dictionary next week.

  Please take good care of yourself!

  Good luck with you!




  Dear Linda,

  Thands for your last letter. I’m very well now .

  I have a healthy lifestyle . I exercise every morning. Exercising makes me healthy. My eating habits are very good . I try to eat a lot of vegetables , usually ten or eleven times a week. And I eat fruit every day. I like junk food , but I hardly ever eat it .I drink milk every night before I go to bed . I sleep nine hours every night .My herlthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.

  What about your lifestyle? Pleaes write to me soom.











  参考词汇:living conditions, narrow, be crowded into, communications(通讯),telegram, thanks to, rapidly, mobile phone, policy

  Dear Michael,You want to know the changes about my hometown. You know, great changes have taken place since 60 years ago.

  In the past, the living conditions were very poor. There were not many buses or cars, and the roads were narrow. Usually, a big family was crowded into a small, dark house. Most families couldn’t get enough food. The communications were simple and slow. People kept in touch with their friends and relatives far away mainly by letter or telegram.

  Thanks to the government, our hometown has developed rapidly in recent years. The living conditions are much better and more comfortable. The roads are wide. Some people have their own cars. Most of the people live in big new houses. Quite a few adults have mobile phones. I think our lives will become better and better because of many good policies.


  Kang Min


  Dear Steve,I’m so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese.

  I’d like to recommend the following two dictionaries.

  The English-Chinese/Chinese-English Dictionary is really a good one for beginners. It has 18,000 English words and 20,000 Chinese words. Besides plenty of examples, it has many notes telling you bow to use a word. Xinhua dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary , and it has a vocabulary of 10,000 words. It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese. Of the two, ECCED is the more expensive, costing 52 yuan, and XD costs 11 yuan.

  Please let me know if you want me to buy these dictionaries.

  Yours,Li Yue


Dear Sunny,

  It's very good that you want to be friends with this girl. In my opinion,you'd better first have a heart-to-heart talk with her,because understanding each other is very important for you two. And I also think it's better for you to ask her to join you and your classmates in all kinds of actives,such as birthday parties,going out for a walk,discussing some fashionable topics,and so on. Besides,helping each other is also very important for both of you. Just share happiness and sadness with her. And I believe she will understand you in time and it is certain you will be good friends in future. Good luck to you.




Dear Jeff,

  I’m Hua from Beijing Hongxing Middle School. I’m very happy to learn that you’re going to stay with my family while you’re in Beijing.

  While you are here, we’ll provide you with a room of your own with a bed, a desk, a couple of chairs and a TV. You’ll also have your own bathroom. Our school is quite close to our home, so we could go to school together by bike. At noon we’ll eat at the school dining hall. I’m sure you’ll like the delicious Chinese food there, and enjoy talking with friends over lunch. Classes in our school usually finish at 4 in the afternoon. You can then join other students in playing ball games or swimming. It’ll be a lot of fun.

  If you have any questions or requests, please let me know. We’ll try our best to make your stay here in Beijing a pleasant experience.

  Best wishes,

  Li Hua













  Hi Lucy, Nice to hear from you。 Everyone has his favorite stars and there’s nothing wrong with that。 I understand you。 But I don’t think what you do is right since you are a student。 You’d better read more interesting books and have more sports in your free time。 Stop writing to him and watching his films。 You may also tell your problem to your parents and teachers。 I’m sure they’ll help you。 Running away to Hollywood is a wrong idea。 Work hard on your lessons and get ready for the exams。 Your future is in your hands。 Yours, Li Ling



  Dear Jim:

  I'm sorry to hear that you failed the math test. Let me some advice on how to study better. Don't spend all your time stuyding. It's bad for your health and you won't learn as much.

  You said that you like piaying basketball. Why don't you piay it with your friends after you finish your homework?

  It will help you feel relaxed, and it will help you study better, too.

  I hope you get good drades next time!




Dear Aunt

  I am very happy to receive your letter. Now let me tell you something about my school life and study.I am now in Junior Nine.I know I will have an entrance examination of Senior in less than a year. So I work hard every day and do exercise for about an hour at school. We have at least nine classes every day so you can imagine how tired and hard we are. After school I have a lot of homework to do and I also like to prepare the lessons in the evening. I want to enter a good senior school in the future so I always go to bed until 11:00. I know if I work hard, my dream will come true. That's all. I have to go to study. Take care.


  Wang Lei





  Ben's problems

  Your advice and reasons







  Dear Ben,

  I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to life in middle school you're your letter you said that…


  Good luck with everything!






  Dear XX:

  l am glad to help you,As for how to study English.Here is my way.

  You said that you can't remember words ,I think you can make word cards to renmember them.It's easy to syudy grammer too,You can take notes and ask teacher for help .It's very important to handn up in class . It can help you not very shy to have a conversation with others.Just make sure to try your best ,you can do every thing you want.People says:"the habit is the best teacher "so,you must let English to become your habit and must work hard.

  I hope my advice will be of some help.




  Dear Mary,

  I"m glad to hear that you want to travel to China. Because I used to be a student guide,so I am confident to give you some details about traveling in China. The details are as follow.

  To say that the most important place to travel in China,Then I must not hesitate to answer Beijing,which is one of the famous cities in China.Beijing is the political and cultural center of China.So Beijing has many places to travel, some red revolutionary bases and cultural exhibition sites like Imperial Palace. And said to me. As Is Known that Imperial Palace has a long history, so it also has a large collection of ancient Chinese relics. If you are interested in Chinese culture, be sure to go to Beijing Imperial Palace. As we all know, China is an ancient civilization with 5000 years of culture. China has many dynasties. The cultural relics of each dynasty have their own characteristics,Imperial Palace is also the largest museum in China, so a visit to Imperial Palace is a good choice. Besides, I also recommend you to go to Square in Beijing. Square in Beijing is very magnificent,There you can feel the solemn artistic conception. That is where new China was founded,it is of great significance for many Chinese.Finally, I want you to eat beijing roast duck. Beijing roast duck is a traditional Beijing cuisine that is very delicious.

  If you have any other questions,please don"t hesitate to tell me directly. Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua








  假如你是韩梅,下面是一封你的笔友Alice 给你发来的`e-mail, 请根据e-mail的内容,给他写一封回信。与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。

  提示词语:listen to, mothers love, care about, communicate with, get along with, smile

Dear Han Mei ,

  Im afraid Ive got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me, Be careful while crossing the street. Put on more clothes. Did you do a good job at school? and so on. Im annoyed(烦恼). What shall I do? Can you give me some ideas?


Dear Alice,

  As a teenager, I met the same problem as you. But now I can get on/ along better with my mother. Here are some ideas for you.

  Your mother talks much, because she cares about you. Im sure your mum loves you very much. Maybe it shows your mothers love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mothers, you can communicate with her, and tell her what youre thinking about. If your mother doesnt take your advice, just keep silent and give her a smile.

  I hope what I say here can help you a lot.

  Han Mei









