
时间:2024-03-22 16:13:22 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  Policewoman Yuan Yuan likes helping people. She likes English. She ten elps tourists find their way. She goes to work by motor cycle. Tip;If you enjoy helping peopie, you can work for the police.

  Wang li is an engineer. She likes drawing pictures. She works in a car factory. She designs cars. She goes to work by car.Tip;If you like diawing and math, you can de an engineer.

学英语作文 篇2

  As can be clearly seen from the graph/table/chart (As is shown in the table/figure), great changed have taken place in_______, The_________ have/has skyrocketed/jumped from _____ to _____. When it comes to the reasons for the changes, different people give different explanations. Here I shall just give a few.To begin with, ______What’s more,___________, Last but not least, ________. While it is desirable that ___________, there are still some problems and difficulties for __________ Firstly, __________ ,In addition, __________ ,In a word, __________ .

学英语作文 篇3

  supermarket-convenient shopping area

  with the development of economy, peoples living standard has been enormously improved, and with the improvement of peoples living standard, supermarkets are springing up like mushrooms. every day, especially at weekends, crowds of shoppers flock towards supermarkets and smilingly come out with rich harvests. the enthusiasm of the shoppers is induced by the superiorities of the supermarket.

  firstly, it is very convenient to do shopping in the supermarket. what you need do is walk your handcart along the aisles and take anything you need from the shelve8 to fill your cart.

  secondly, the market provides a bumper variety of goods.food, clothes, daily articles, drinks, books, home electric appliances all are within your arms reach.

  thirdly, the environment is clean and comfortable with all-year-round ventilation and air-condition.

  fourthly, payment is made easily, either in cash or with a card. and you dont have to wait long.

  fifthly, often, small gifts like soft toys, beauty-parlour coupons and instant lucky draws are offered to customers.

  naturally,people like shopping in supermarkets althoug unnecessary things. but the net time they do shopping,they completely forget it.

学英语作文 篇4

  my wife, shirley, and i have gone on vacations to a quiet beach in southwestern florida for most of our married life. if that beach could talk, it would tell of teenage newlyweds who sunned and wrote i love you on its sands. it would tell of a little girl with eyes the color of the sea gathering seashells and of three wild boys leaping and diving into the surf. it would tell of joyous visits over the years from friends, parents, grandparents, new brides and grooms -- and now grandchildren. the beach would tell glorious tales of warmth and gratitude.

  but i realized one day that i had rarely epressed my gratitude to the one whod lived those years with me. on our 40th wedding anniversary, shirley and i walked again the familiar margin of the sea. i told her then how thankful i was that she shared my life.

  we dont have to wait for anniversaries to thank the ones closest to us -- the ones so easily overlooked. if i have learned anything about giving thanks, it is this: give it now! while your feeling of appreciation is alive and sincere, act on it. saying thanks is such an easy way to add to the worlds happiness.

  a few years ago, a young woman from a neighboring town won a scholarship to a prestigious college. although the inner-city high school she attended was plagued with problems, she overcame them and ecelled. when she graduated, she commended the often-maligned school for its challenging courses and her teachers for their special interest and encouragement. i cant say enough good things about the school and the teachers who gave me so much of themselves, she said. i shall be eternally grateful to them.

  saying thanks not only brightens someone elses world, it brightens yours. if youre feeling left out, unloved or unappreciated, try reaching out to others. it may be just the medicine you need.

  before a. j. cronin became a bestselling author, he was a doctor. once he told about a colleague who gave an unusual prescription to patients afflicted with worry, fear, discouragement or self-doubt. the doctor called it his thank-you cure. for si weeks i want you to say thank you whenever anyone does you a favor. and to show you mean it, emphasize the words with a smile. within si weeks most of the doctors patients showed great improvement.

  of course, there are times when you cant epress gratitude immediately. in that case dont let embarrassment sink you into silence -- speak up the first time you have the chance.

  i recently returned home to montpelier, ohio, for a short visit. memories of my boyhood flooded back as i walked the familiar streets. then i saw mrs. bible, and my mind flashed back to high school.

  i was a freshman, more interested in sports than school work, and i was falling behind in my latin class. then violet bible, a neighbor who was a schoolteacher, found out about my problem. oh, latins great fun, she told me. come over tonight after dinner and ill show you. for the net several weeks, she tutored me until i could conjugate with the best of them -- well, almost. anyway, i passed. at the callow age of 14 it seemed perfectly natural to me that a working wife and mother had nothing better to do after a hard days work than tutor me in latin.

  now as i saw her, i realized what an uncommon sacrifice it had been. and, after all those years, i told her so! what you did was way beyond the call of duty, i said. thank you. i was rewarded with a surprised smile and a sparkle in her eyes.

  each human being is yearning for kind words of appreciation. in december 1991, 17-year-old candi browns car overturned; the roof collapsed and crushed her skull. the crews of engine company 8 and med 15 in grayson, ga., rushed her to gwinnett medical center. doctors told her parents to prepare for the worst. but candi survived. a year later the family served a holiday dinner to the gwinnett county firefighters and emergency medical technicians. during dinner candi, whose goal is to walk naturally again, rose painfully and said, thank you for helping god save my life and giving me a second chance. i love you.

  its rare that we receive this kind of thanks, fire department lieutenant bobby mckinzie said. we were glad to have a part in her life. today shes definitely touched ours.

  maybe we are so used to being served by professionals that we forget to thank the teacher, police officer, doctor, firefighter or preacher who goes out of the way to help us. maybe we need to be more creative in showing our thanks.

  in the novel i heard the owl call my name, margaret craven tells of a young minister, mark brian, who is sent by his bishop to a remote parish of kwakiutl indians in british columbia. the indians, he is told, do not have a word for thank you. but brian soon finds that these people have eceptional generosity. instead of saying thanks, it is their custom to return every favor with a favor of their own, and every kindness with an equal or superior kindness. they do their thanks.

  i wonder if we had no word in our vocabulary for thank you, would we do a better job of communicating our gratitude? would we be more responsive, more sensitive, more caring?

  as the pilgrims of plymouth colony faced their second winter in 1621, they had much to be grateful for. their efforts to raise barley and peas had been disappointing, and they would have faced starvation, but thanks to an indian named squanto, whom gov. william bradford called a special instrument of god, they had harvested 20 acres of corn. squanto had also helped the settlers keep peace with neighboring tribes.

  so when it was decided to celebrate the harvest and thank god, governor bradford sent a messenger to chief massasoit, inviting the indians to whom they were so indebted.

  massasoit brought 90 men with him, and they celebrated for three days. squanto, who spoke english, helped the indians and pilgrims communicate, but food and drink were the language of their thanksgiving festivities. and they were enjoyed to the fullest.

  thankfulness sets in motion a chain reaction that transforms people all around us -- including ourselves. for no one ever misunderstands the melody of a grateful heart. its message is universal; its lyrics transcend all earthly barriers; its music touches the heavens.

学英语作文 篇5

  Help Each Other

  This morning I went to the classroom at seven o'clock because I was on duty today. Of course I was the first one. I was cleaning the blackboard when Li Ming came into the classroom. I asked her, "Who do you come here so early?" She answered with a smile, "I know you are on duty today. Let me help you." I was very happy and said, "Oh, thankyou. " We began to work together. When the teacher arrived, we had already done a good , and the classroom was clean and tidy. The teacher praised me.

  The day after tomorrow Li Ming will be on duty. I am going to help her too. We are good friends. We should help each other.





学英语作文 篇6

  Date: June 19, 20xx

  To: All staff in Sales Department

  From: Jim Green (sales manager)

  Subject: Course on sales training

  In order to improve our competence, we decide that all staff in our department are required to take a course

  on sales training. The trainings-mainly concerns with skills in foreign languages, sales program and business letter writing. The course will begin on June 26, 20xx at our training center, lasting for a week. It will be appreciated if everyone can attend it on time.








  就本文而言,除了要掌握备忘录的格式.在内容方面要注意涵盖说明中所有表达要点,一般包括who,what, when, where和why这5个要素。

学英语作文 篇7


  I am a girl of eleven. I like animals. Of all the animals, I like fish best.

  Fishes are animals in water. They swim in water freely. Some fishes are small. The smallest one is as big as a fly. While some are big. The biggest fish grows up to more than 60 feet long.

  They have different kinds of colors, such as red, yellow, and black. And they have many shapes, too. Some are long, but some are round. Some have gib heads, but some have long tails.

  I wish I could be a fish and swim in the sea!

学英语作文 篇8

事业和家庭哪个更重要 Career or Family: which is more important?

  Career or Family: which is more important?

  When asked about their opinion of career and family, people always respond differently. Some people deem it more important to pursue their career, while there are always other people who argue that family should be the number one in one’s life.

  It goes without any question that career plays a key role in our life. In the very first place, career can give us an aim to live on. Without career, much of our living time will be certainly wasted. What’s more, career can provide us with a means to live on. Most of the people earn their income from a job. On the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life, as many people will admit. Family is always regarded as a place where we can escape from troubles in life. In addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging to from family. Without it, anyone will feel lonely and desperate.

  In my opinion, career and family are not in opposition to each other. Rather, they can enhance each other so that one’s life can become better and better. Therefore, it’s not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical.





学英语作文 篇9

  Just as is revealed in the picture above, the young, nowadays, just like the boy in the drawing, are prone to reach for what is beyond their grasp, but ignore the significance of doing something trivial and simple before accomplishing great feats.

  There is no doubt that the symbolic meaning subtly conveyed in the picture should be given deep consideration. As we all know, a man who does not sweep a room, doesnt mention to sweep the world. In other words, the foundations of a building must be strong, or else the whole structure will fall down someday. Therefore, when it comes to the key to success, the most important thing lies in doing every tiny thing well around you.










