
时间:2023-12-29 07:50:05 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Chinese is the language spoken by largest human population on Earth.

  It is also one of the UN working languages. The written Chinese is rather universal. But the official spoken Chinese is the mandarin. Mainland Chinese use simplified characters. But overseas Chinese are more used to the traditional characters. Some calligraphers also prefer traditional characters as they are more suitable for such art.

  Though it is a very different and difficult language to most westerners, more and more people start to learn Chinese because China has been developing very fast and it would be advantagous to be able to speak Chinese.

英语作文 篇2

  What is power? What makes a person powerful? Each year, this question is asked by the editors of Forbes magazine when they produce a list of the world’s most powerful people. Later in the year, they release a list of the world’s most powerful women. Looking at the two lists raises some important questions about our values and our views on power.

  Appearing on The World’s Most Powerful People 20xx list of 70 people were just six women. Perhaps that is why they also release a separate list of only women. Some people see this second list as evidence that there is still inequity between men and women. After all, there is no list just for men. Others see it as a way to shine a spotlight on the gender which has long been suppressed. They see it as a way to highlight positive change and encourage aspiring young women.

  Let’s look a little deeper. According to Forbes editors, the women on The 100 Most Powerful Women list were selected by dividing candidates into seven categories: billionaires, celebrities, business, media, philanthropy and NGOs, politicians, and technology. They then measured their “power” by using three metrics—money (GDP and budget), media (traditional media and social media) and impact (including their influence across industries, cultures and countries, and how actively they use their influence).

  If you look closely at the various categories, the common theme is money. For example, billionaires, business women, celebrities, philanthropists, and leaders in the world of technology all have big bucks backing them and making their power possible. But is that what power should be? Is that what we want our world to value?

  Hats off to the women on the list—they have no doubt worked hard and accomplished much in order to hold their positions. What concerns people is the lack of acknowledgment of the power of ideas.向在名单中的女性致敬,他们毫无疑问都辛勤地奋斗并且取得了很大的成功才使她们拥有现在的地位,现在使人担心的只是缺乏对思想的权力的承认。

  The people on the list may be the face of power and influence, but are they really at the root of changing the world? Is the person who pays the money or holds the title more powerful than the person with the idea? Who would you rather be—the brilliant mind behind the solution or the person who funds it? Either way, more power to you!






英语作文 篇3

  for there is nothing to divide. 因为我并无财产分给所爱

  my kin don’t need to fuss and moan— 亲人不必抱怨,悲哀---

  “moss does not cling to rolling stone.” “滚石不生苔,我也不聚财”

  my body? oh, if i could choose, 遗体怎么办?---哦,如果还有商量

  to ashes i’d let it reduce, 我愿它化为一撮灰烬

  and let the merry breeze blow 让欢快的柔风把它轻扬

  my dust to where some flowers grow. 吹到鲜花盛开的地方

  perhaps some fading flowers then 也许有些正在凋谢的`花儿

  would come to life and bloom again. 会因此复活,重新怒放

  this is my last and final will, 这便是我最后的遗愿

  good luck to all of you! 祝你们所有的人幸福安康!

英语作文 篇4

  We have a good English teacher whose name is Bruce. He comes from Britain and he is about forty years old. He is a tall and thin person, wearing a pair of glasses which makes him more like a gentleman.

  He is strict with us. He often makes full preparations for his class and corrects our homework carefully. His teaching style is very unique, because he is used to encouraging all of us to think by ourselves and study on our own. The relationship between Bruce and us is harmonious. He is so kind and friendly that every student likes him and respects him deeply.

  Our teacher is so excellent that we all love him very much.




英语作文 篇5

  Everyone knows that gets up early is good for our bodies.Why shall we get up early,its it necessary to us todo like this way?Let me tell you the advantage of ofen get up not too late.

  Without questions,because we get up early can breath the fresh air and can do morning exercises in order to keep healthy.In the morning ,our brains are being bright,we could learn

  more knowledge than any other moment.Getting up early is good for our work,we could have enough time to arrange what to do first.

  All in all,we must have a manner of getting up earlyeveryday.Do you think so?

英语作文 篇6

  婉拒邀请的信 A letter of refusing an invitation

  A letter of refusing an invitation

  The number 25 Middle school, Beijing June 10th Nanjing University, NanJing.

  Dear Mr Smith,

  I am very thankful to you for inviting me to go and stay with you in Nanjing. I often hear that Nanjing is a beautiful city and I have been a long to see you again so that I can get more help from you in my English study. But I'm afraid I can't go this coming summer vacation.My grandmother who lives in the country has asked me again and again to go and spend the vacation together with her. She misses me so much that I have no choice but to obey her. I am busy preparing for my college entrance examinations all these days and now I felt quite sure of myself. Just wait for the second news of my success. I wish I could go and see you and Tom at the end of this year. With best wishes to both you and Tom.

  Yours sincerely








英语作文 篇7

  In modern cities there are noises everywhere,but people seem to get used to these noises.They do not take much notice to these unpleasant sounds around them.Therefore,people never believe these sounds will be a serious problem.

  However,they are wrong.In fact,noises can do great harm to people's physical and psychological health.Staying in a noisy circum-stance for too long will not only damage people's hearing but also cause discomfort of their bodies,and also they will feel nervous and lose their temper easily.

  Since noise is a serious problem,measures must be taken to control it.Laws and regulations should be passed to reduce the noises in the city.Only in this way can noise pollution be brought under control.


  现代社会到处都有噪音,但是人们似乎习惯了这种噪音,他们不大关注周围的这种不太令人愉快的声音。 因此,人们从来不相信这些噪音会是个严重的'问题。

  然而,他们错了。实际上,噪音可以对人们的生理和心理健康造成严重的伤害。 在噪音环境里待的时间太长将会损害人的听力,还会使身体不舒服,而且人们会感到紧张,很容易发脾气。

  噪音是一个严重的问题,应该采取措施来控制噪音,应制定法律和条例来减少城市噪音。 只有用这种方法,噪音污染才可以得到控制。

英语作文 篇8

  Night, it is a blue black cloth curtain, gradually climbed on the roof, unnoticed, the moon, like a beacon, slowly climbed the hill, and gradually rose to the sky......

  I sit at my window, I thought, what is, let the night with the moon and floated up? The wind, like a sword, pierce directly bamboo leaves, separate them; and like a thin veil, in my side blowing. What is it that has such a powerful magic power?

  I had a chill: cold air, this uninvited guest, a year after another, is it coming? The end is a gentle wind, or a handful of yarn, Bing Bing cold water? I looked at the clouds in the sky. The clouds at that time were pink in my eyes. There was a thin warm, a light cold. That is when there is no wind, I still feel that the whole world is desolate, just feel the wind just hovering around it; when wind, think small garden becomes quiet, secluded path, quiet flowers, everything is quiet.

  An invisible taste, some cool mint flavour. After the bath has been lying in bed watching the "Wolf Totem", I think, in a very distant place far away from home, there is a small wolf, brothers and parents together back to the wind, wait, wind around his ambitious, spread to every field, every hills, the wind, cool can not tell what it is?

  In the wind of the whistle, the moon, suddenly appears to be very quiet...










