
时间:2023-12-06 10:18:49 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  one day, when i was si years old, my aunt cane to see us form shanghai. my parents and brother happened to be out then.

  was late in the afternoon. the room was a little dark. my aunt felt tired. i asked her to sit down and have a rest. when areyour daddy and mummy, my dear? asked aunt. they have gone shopping and will be back in an hour. i‘ll fetch a cup of tea foryou, aunty. when i went into the kitchen, a good idea came into my mind: after a ling journey my aunt must be very hungry.i‘ll give her a cup of milk instead of a cup of tea. when i opened the cupboard. i saw a bottle of ‘milk‘ powder in it. ipoured a cup of the ‘milk‘ and gave it to my aunt. thank you very much. it‘s very ind of you, she said. please tastethe milk. has it enough sugar? my aunt took a sip of the ‘milk‘ and spilt it out at once. what is it, ranran? she askedin surprise. it‘s milk, i said loudly and proudly. but it doesn‘t taste like milk. where did you get it? i took auntinto the kitchen and showed the bottle to her. oh, it turned out to be a bottle of washing powder!

  the evening my parentscame back. when they heard what i did, my mother said to me with a smile, you are great. you have learned to entertainguests without us.

  everal years have passed. nnow i am a middle school student. every time my parents repeat the story, wehave a good laugh over it.


  1. cupboard: n. piece of furniture, with shelves and doors, for keeping things in. 碗柜

  2.powder: n. any fine stud like dust. 粉末;粉

  3. pour: v. flow steadily and rapidly; rain hard and steadily 倒;灌;大雨倾盆

  4.sip: n. a very small amount of drink. 一呷之量

  5. entertain: v. to amuse and interest. 使高兴;使感兴趣

学英语作文 篇2

  “In myclass, there are two Japanese and one American. We are getting along well andit’s fun to study together with people from different cultures.” This is how acollege student describes his class. Recently with rapid development ofeconomy, China is embracing more foreign students who are eager to learnChinese and know about Chinese culture. In my opinion, a mixed class is morepreferable to an exclusive one in terms of benefits of both foreign and Chinesestudents.


  I have reason to support my view. Foreignstudents may find it very helpful to further improve their language skills in amixed class. Provided that their Chinese is competent enough to follow thelectures, a mixed class furnishes them with a golden opportunity to brush uptheir Chinese proficiency and understand Chinese people. Only in this way canthey get into closer contact with Chinese. Coming from afar, they are reluctantto be separated and treated as “ foreigners”. Hence to their benefits, weshould not set barriers for their deeper involvement. Only by mixing withChinese students can they gain a better knowledge of Chinese culture.


  Taking into account of all these factors, wemay arrive at the conclusion that it is beneficial to adopt the practice of amixed class. A seemingly trivial event as it is in study, it may exert aprofound impact on both students’ individual life and cross-culturalcommunication.


学英语作文 篇3

  in consequence 因此,结果

  in consequence of 由于…的缘故,因为

  on the contrary 正相反

  in contrast with/to 与…对比起来,与…形成对比

  out of control 失去控制

  under control 处于控制之下

  at all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何

  in the distance 在远处

  off duty 下了班(的),不在值班(的)

  on duty 在上班(的),在值班(的)

  on earth 究竟,到底

  at all events 无论如何,不管怎样

  in any event 无论如何,不管怎样

  in the event of 万一,倘若

  for example 例如

  in the face of 在…面前;不顾

  in danger 在危险中,垂危

  out of danger 脱离危险

  out of date 过时的,不用的

  up to date 现代化的,切合目前情况的`

  in demand 非常需要的,受欢迎的

  in fact 其实,实际上

  in favo(u)r of 赞同,支持

  on fire 着火,起火

  on foot 步行

  in force 生效,有效;在实施中;大量的

  in stock 有现货的,有库存的

  in sum 总而言之

  in tears 流着泪,含着泪,在哭着

  in terms of 从…方面来说,按照;用…的话

  for one thing 首先,一则

学英语作文 篇4



  The most popular teacher in Neworiental, Ma Zihui, will attend the party. 2.以单个修饰语作为句子的开头。


  Young and ambitious,JieYu works hard to teach Englsih.

  Secretly, the girl entered the room.

  With a book in her hands, Fang Meng talked to a foreigner.

  Exhausted, the students reached the top of the mountain.



  In front of me stood a beautiful girl.

  To pass the exam, the students worked hard.

  Confused about the problem, he went to ask for his teacher.

  Your homework finished, you may go home.


  If I am free, I will attend your lecture.

  Whenever one goes, whatever one does, one needs money.


  With the growing popularity of in China, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed.

  With the growth of , many problems such as are beginng to surface

学英语作文 篇5



  第一天,我教爷爷Good morning(早上好),Good afterroon(下午好),good night(晚安),thanks(谢谢)等英语单词,开始,爷爷总是读不准音,特别是晚安,我一连教了三遍,爷爷都没有学会,气得我忍不住脱口骂了句:“您怎么这样笨啊。”爷爷也不好意思地垂下头,像孩子似的羞红了脸。后来,我急中生智,在每一个英语单词旁边,用中文注上怎么读音,比如good night旁写上戈纳特。果然,这个办法好,爷爷读得准确了。


  第三天,我又教了爷爷Spring Festival(春节)、Qingming(清明)、Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)、还有Happy birthday(生日快乐)等单词,爷爷竟然又全部学会了,我不得不从心里佩服爷爷,佩服爷爷那种好学的精神。











