学英语作文 篇1
接着,我们出了教室,参观起了育英二外。虽然外面雪花飘飞,但我们依然兴致勃勃。在参观过程中,我们也在学习英语单词。因为每个教室的标牌上,不但有中文,还有英文呢,休息室的标牌上就写着“lounge”,还有很多我不认识的单词,在参观过程中,我都学会了。不仅如此,我们在遇到一些特别的事物时,也学会了不少单词,在看到一些教室的门上挂着玩具圣诞老人时,billy就问我们它用英文该怎么表达。我们有的说是“christmasman”,有的说是“christmas father”,可惜都不对。最终,还是billy揭开了答案,应该是“santa claus”。这时,我们才恍然大悟,我相信,我们以后再也不会记错了。
学英语作文 篇2
发信人: 王月
收信人:Mr. Doe
收信人地址: doe_sales@ms.net
From: wangyue@hotmail.com
To: doe_sales@ms.net
Date: Sep. 18, 20xx
Subject: Invitation to the 15th Annual Trade Show
Dear Mr. Doe,
The 15th annual Trade Show will be held in Beijing next month. You are cordially (诚挚地;由衷地) invited to attend this most exciting event of the year.
Dates: October 5th through 10th 20xx
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Place: Beijing Industrial Exhibition Hall
We will have the latest products from our line on display, and our expert staff will be available to provide you with all the information you need and to answer any questions you may have. Free drinks and snacks will also be provided, and you are welcome to bring along your friends.
We look forward to seeing you at the Trade Show.
Yours sincerely,
Wang Yue
学英语作文 篇3
My father is a teacher in a school. He teaches maths well. He is very busy.我爸爸是一所学校的老师。他教数学教的很好。他每天都很忙。
Every day he has to get up very early. And he goes to work by subway. He has classes in the morning. In the afternoon, he eats lunch at school. After lunch, he checks students’ homeworks. If he finishes his work, he will read newspapers.他每天很早起床。坐地铁去上班。他上午上课。下午,在学校吃午饭。之后,他会批改学生的.作业。如果他忙完了,他会读一会报纸。
Usually he comes back home at 5:30. We have dinner together. Then he watches TV in the living room. Before he goes to bed, he likes to take a shower.他一般五点半回家。我们一起吃晚饭。然后他之后会在客厅看电视。睡觉之前,他喜欢冲凉。
学英语作文 篇4
Born in 1935, Mr. Smith spent his childhood in a mining village in a state. When he was a child, he hated school but had a talent for writing and he wrote his first poems. After his leaving school, he did his first job in a village shop for six years. During this period, he wrote a large number of poems in accordance with his own experiences and mental activities. Later, he left for S city in 1957 and published poems and his first novel. Delightfully, his works were popular when they published and he became a famous writer at once. However, he found that his life was meaningless though he led a luxurious life and started becoming depressed. Consequently, he first committed suicide unsuccessfully in 1960.
Later, Mr. Smith got married when he was 30, but his family life was not so happy because the couple did not have a common goal in marriage. Thus, he divorced his wife quickly and moved to another state to start a new life. But his works lost earlier popularity as time elapsed. Hence, he had to find another way to make a living. When he was fighting for his new life at the age of 32, Cupid fired another arrow at him—he fell in love with a girl at first sight. He ran after her fanatically. At last, they had a love child and moved back to his home state in 1972.
However, there is a crook in the lot of every one. With the growth of his son, Mr. Smith found that his life was so empty and boring in that he could not write any poems any longer, let alone published them. As the result, he committed suicide in 1975, at the age of 40.
学英语作文 篇5
In the picture above, a child flies from one cage to the other cage like a bird.One cage is named school, and the other is named cram school. What a sarcastic picture. There is no freedom left for the children who cannot enjoy the supposed cheerful vacation.
Why cannot the children enjoy the vacation that belongs to them Who push the children from one cage to the other What should we do to help the trapped children The three questions solved, the above picture will not exist any more. The answer to the first question is hidden with the superficial one being acquiring more knowledge, and the fundamental one is that parents demand more scores from their children. They expect their children to be able to score more through attending various cram schools at the cost of their children’s supposedly splendid vocation. So it is the parents who pursue quick success that push the children from one cage to the other. To free the children, the parents should put emphasis on the children’s physical and mental health rather than the score.
As is known to all that pursuit of high scores has long been a phenomenon in China, the cause of this phenomenon is hard to be uprooted. Therefore, we should emancipate the children in the mind and return the joy of childhood to children gradually.
学英语作文 篇6
Though there are all kinds of commercial ads to advocate girls to make up and make themselves look as beautiful as the models, most girls are educated that the real beauty is from inside instead of outside. So some of them are very proud of not making up and staying the way they are, but the new idea is that make up is a manner.
In the traditional view, make up is not a good girl will do, only for the bad girl who tries to seduce a man. What’s more, parents implant the idea to the girls that make up will make them look older. So most girls have the wrong idea about make up, some even feel shameful to talk about it.
Actually, in the modern society, make up is just a way of manner. But, the make up we talk about is light type. We need to shape our eyebrow and color our lips with light color, which makes us look tidy. Hair is also needed to clear up and the clothes we wear should be adjusted by different occasions.
学英语作文 篇7
老妈:“这个‘I'm very annoyed,don't trouble me.’是什么意思?”
老妈又问:“‘I hear nothing,repeat.’是什么意思啊?”
老妈又说了一遍:“‘I hear nothing,repeat.’”
老妈再问:“‘What do you say?’又怎么解释呢?”
老妈继续问:“‘Look up in the dictionary’是何意啊?”
老妈又问:“‘You had better ask somebody.’怎么翻呢?”
老妈:“敢耍你老妈,哼哼!我再问你,‘Use your head,then think it over.’又是什么意思啊?”
老妈:“这个‘I don't know.’是什么意思?”
老妈:“这个‘I know.’是什么意思?这回你总该知道吧!”
老妈:“你给我小心点,花那么多钱送你上大学,搞的现在什么都不会,懂一丁点英语还跟老娘摆谱,再问你最后一个,你给我好好解释一下,说不出来我再收拾你。给我翻译一下‘I know but I don’t want to tell you.’是什么意思?”
学英语作文 篇8
What were you doing ?你那时正在做什么?
What were you doing ? A UFO came to that shop。 What were you doing when the UFO came here。 I was in front of the school library。 I want to borrow some books from the school library。 When I was walking back to classroom, I saw a UFO。 The UFO landed on the street。 And an alien got out of the UFO。 The alien went to a shop。 And it visited the Museum of Flight 。 then the alien went back to the UFO and took off。
Then the alien went back to the UFO and took off。