
时间:2023-08-26 07:41:13 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Youth, hello! Thank you for giving us energy, wisdom and courage, we can overcome cowardice, dare to take risks, because we have you, because we have you, we can stand on the new starting line, meet new challenges, because we have you, we are not afraid of failure, I believe everything can start from scratch.

  Now, the hot youth, still rolling in our hearts! Youth, thanks to you, because of you, we have been free of the shackles of childhood, life experience in the movement to leave this shock. Youth, thank you, thank you for let us full of passion. We will use this infinite passion, the Beatles and waves, create brilliant life.

英语作文 篇2

  On Fabricating Academic Credentials 学历造假





  On Fabricating Academic Credentials

  Etymologically, the word “credential” derives from “credit” and is related to the moral attribute of credibility. An academic credential reflects a student’s academic knowledge and expertise, with which he becomes qualified for performing certain professional responsibilities at certain professional positions. Academic credentials shouldn’t be falsified because false credentials are dangerous. For example, a medical graduate with false credentials can kill his patients rather than rescuing them.

  Currently, fabricating academic credentials is particularly rampant in China, where all recruitments seem to involve credentials. In order to secure the job they want, some job seekers without the required credentials have no alternative but to have them fabricated by professional forgers. While condemning users of fake credentials on both legal and moral grounds, we somehow tend to sympathize with them as they are victimized by a society addicted to the credential mania.

  A more despicable form of credential fabrication is perpetrated by those already highly successful people—businessmen, entrepreneurs, government officials, celebrities in the entertainment industry, etc. They use false credentials not so much to advance their careers as to project their personal image as an icon. This is a greater evil because those fabricators contrive, through fraudulence, to secure our admiration and respect on the spiritual level. A most notorious case is the scandal of TxxJxx, who pretends to be a role model for innocent Chinese youth, with false Ph.D. credential from a non-existent American university.

  To solve this problem, a combination of measures is necessary. We should evaluate a person by his true caliber, not solely by his credentials. Legally, we should crack down on both the seller and the buyer of false credentials. Finally, we should keep exposing and denouncing fabricators so they can no longer fool us. In this way, our society will become purified and credibility will ultimately prevail.



  从词源学上讲,学历“credential”一词源于“credit”(信誉), 与诚信这一德行相关。一份学历所反映的,是一个学生的学识与专长;有了这二者,他就有资质去在特定的专业岗位上履行特定的专业职责。对于学历,不应弄虚作假,因为虚假的学历贻害无穷。举例来说,一个拥有虚假学历的医科毕业生,更有可能将其病人置于死地,而非挽救其生命。





  1. fabricate制造,伪造

  2. etymologically从词源学上讲

  3. credential学历

  4. credit信誉

  5. with which he becomes qualified for performing certain professional responsibilities at certain professional positions有了它们,他就有资质去在特定的专业岗位上履行特定的专业职责

  6. false credentials虚假的学历

  7. be rampant猖獗的

  8. have no alternative but to have them fabricated by professional forgers有只能转而求助于职业制假者

  9. on both legal and moral grounds基于法律和道德的理由

  10. a society addicted to the credential mania唯文凭是论的国度

  11. despicable卑鄙的

  12. perpetrate做(坏事),犯(罪)

  13. They use false credentials not so much to advance their career as to project their personal image as an icon.他们不亦乐乎地进行学历造假,与其说是为了谋取职业发展,还不如说是为了构筑他们作为偶像的个人形象。

  14. a combination of measures多管齐下

  15. true caliber实际能力

  16. crack down on sb.打击某人

  17. credibility will ultimately prevail诚信终将占据上风

英语作文 篇3

  People always say that a good kid should be honest, while for me, I always lie to my parents and do not realize the result that I may bring. Last week, I learned a lesson of telling lies. It was Friday, early in the morning, I did not want to go to school, so I told my mother that I got a fever. I pretended to feel seriously. My mother looked very worried and she came out quickly, I thought she went to work, but after a while, she came back with some medicine. She told me that she asked for leave today and looked after me. I felt a little guilty but I dared not to confess. Then in afternoon, my teacher heard me sick and came to visit me. I felt so painful for telling lies, I wasted everybody’s time. At last, I confess and promised not to lie again.


英语作文 篇4

When my tenth birthday was coming up, I was happy imaging what kind of present my father would give me. To my surprise, Father gave me a set of books, which I was not very glad to accept. He saw what I was thinking and said kindly: "Dear, remember, books are the most precious fortune in the world, I am sure that once you finish reading the first book, you will be anxious to read the second one, then the third, the forth…" According to my father's words, I have to give reading a try. And things really happened as he expected. Books indeed exerted a strong influence on me. From then on, I stepped into a new and wonderful world that books spread open for me.


英语作文 篇5

  The appearance of the elephant is very strange. It has four strong legs, basketball head has a long nose and two big ears, fan and eyes is very small. Large body has a small tail and specially used to keep the flies away, mosquitoes. It that sharp teeth and make fearsome opponents.

  Like an elephant drinking water a lot of fun. It with long nose sucked into the water first, and then put the nose into the mouth, the water will automatically flow into his mouth. But sometimes still had water on the outside of the mouth flow, theelephant is really silly!

  The elephant is a social animal. A herd of elephants in there is always a respected leading elephant, he will lead the elephant population migration, and to protect elephants from other brutal attack, so a great responsibility, a difficult task.

  The elephant is an ancient mammals. For millions of years before, it is with dinosaurs and other animals living on the earth, then the dinosaurs, but theelephant is stubbornly survive, means the elephant to adapt to the environment ability is stronger. Today, the human should endeavor to protect elephants, elephant, as a kind of animal species to survive a few million years is not a problem.










