
时间:2024-06-08 14:00:46 100字作文 我要投稿
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Dear teacher,

  Today I’m writing this to you to apologize for what I’ve done last week. I feel very sorry and ashamed to write down this essay for you to say about my bad behavior that forgetting to do my homework. This essay also shows my deep thinking about carelessness and determination that I’ll never make such mistakes anymore. Please accept my sincere apologies and excuse my fault. You are the teacher I admire. I’m very sorry to disappoint you. I am awfully sorry that I brought you so much trouble. I not only made a bad example for others but also didn’t show enough respect to you.

  In fact, I didn’t mean to do so. There were too many things to do at the night before our class. Even so, I still know I’ve done something wrong. Had I pay more attention’ I wouldn’t have made such a stupid mistake. There is a saying that “Habit is a second nature”. So I know my first mistake is having no discipline. Discipline is the basis of the world. If there were no discipline, everything would be in a mass. I still remember that at the first going to college, every teacher have stressed and repeated many times that we should be responsible to ourselves, and nobody has to be responsible to us. I was deeply shocked by the words and suddenly understood the importance of independence clearly at that time. I really agree with that. So I think I’m not a good student, at least on this mistake. I’m very sorry for this. All of us are adults now, we are not children anymore. We can’t be reminded to do what we should do. So it’s a serious mistake.

  Then, I think having no concept of time is another cause leading to the mistake. I always hang up things when I have enough time to do them so that I have to face lots of works before the deadline. When a person does a certain thing again and again, he'll be obliged to do it the same way by some unseen force. Thus habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to get rid of it. Therefore it is very important that we should take care in the formation of habits.

  Now, l realize my error, But l don't to be afraid of my mistakes or failures for l can learn from failure. l am sorry for being rude the other day. l should not forget my homework and make you disappoint. It was my fault. l am grateful for having teacher like you who tell me when l make a mistake. l will try to learn from this mistake. However, a person lives without faults will never be found. Of course, l do not mean to use it as an excuse. l have never escaped from my responsibility and l just want to obtain your forgiveness l keep in mind to correct this weakness and try to get a greater progress ln addition, thanks you for all you done! You spent much time to let us grow up, to have sufficient ability enter to society. In a word, if we form a good habit at school, it will be great advantage to us in our future life. Sol fully understand mv great teacher and your care and thought I am very grateful for everything you did for us1 ln many ways it is the most valuable lesson to learn. At last, l feel regret for the things that l have done. l do believel will become better and better And l will try my best to do a contribut1on to our class l promise to obey the rules of school. Please accept my sincere apology!


  Dear Amanda:

  First, please accept my deep regret for the absent from the English class yesterday. I have recognized my fault for this absent and swear to attend all the English class in the rest of semester.

  If the regret has been accepted, please allow me a chance to explain the reason why I was absent. Last weekend a terrible fact came to me that my love told me not to contact with each other any longer. The one who used to be my boyfriend and we had been in love for approximate one year since graduated from high school. He was the person who I once wished to keep company with for my rest live. The time when l heard the words squeezed from his mouth, the backbone that support my faith for life crashed down and was destroyed immediately. At once, the meaning of love seemed to fade away, all the beautiful memories we used to enjoy came to me and hovered in my mind. Beyond all my exception, I did not say any word to beg his love. And with a slight goodbye I hang up the phone, but then tears filled my eyes out of control. At that time, I was like a kite who broke away from her string and was doomed to sway in the sky then die in the wind. Without the accompaniment of my best friend, I could have not image what stupid things would I do in the next few days. Everything seems to go better in the following days, but I have got a bad cold owing to my over-sadness. Now, I have a fever of 38℃ and need to have some medicines every day.

  This fact has tormented me for 5 days, and now I decide to escape from this nightmare as quickly as I can. I know, maybe this story won’t impress you so much, my dear teacher, to forgive my absent. But I ensure that there won’t be such things again. At last, I want to share some of my own English learning experiences with you and look forward to your advisements.

  Firstly, my main idea of learning English is that in this world there is no shortcut to English learning. For English is a language which needs us to pick up with constant practicing and use it as possible as we can. Secondly, English learning needs us to attach much interest into it. Hence, my out-of-class time is usually spent on watching American dramas or listening to English songs. Gossip Girl and Lady Gaga are my favourite. At last, English learning needs us to broaden our horizon. One thing I always keep in my mind is that things we learn from textbooks are only the tip of the iceberg especially considering English learning. Cite a sentence of Steve jobs, stay hungry and stay foolish. I think we should always stay hungry for knowledge and be modest enough to our life.








Dear teacher:

  I am your student: XXX. Today I am very guilty and regret for you to write this JianTaoShu, you said I was late for the bad behavior of profound understanding and never late.

  In my early into the school, the teacher will have three and five, emphasized, the students may not late. But I still without being late. The thing about late, I think I have to say. What happened was that... (that) and late after... So, I chose to late this behavior. Although I know that this is wrong, but I still do, so, I think it is necessary to teacher but also should make this a written review, let my deep introspection own mistakes.

  Excuse me, sir! I made a serious problem of the principle. I know the reason for my teacher was also very angry. I also know that, for each class, the students in class, dont leave early on, dont be late is one of the most basic responsibility, also is the most basic duty. But even the most basic but I didnt do it. Afterwards, I was calm and thought for a long time, I have come to recognize himself to pay for their own impulse. The teacher teaches, the expression of il paron seriously, I deeply in sight, also has profound awareness of the importance of it. Now, a mistake, I deeply regret. Deep in my review, the thought that has hidden a fatal mistake: ideological awareness is not high, I respect for others, I will not have more respect for teachers. The serious shortage of important matters of importance. Peacetime life style, if not too lazy lazy unapt also such. In order to better understanding of mistakes, but also to make the teacher can you believe that I can actually correct their mistakes, and I will no longer continue that he made a mistake down as follows:

  Thought for the error: of course not interested in not enough attention. At this point, I began to reflect and not too concerned about, but, after the reflection, I finally realized the mistake is the cause, I was late. Ask: if I liked this course, I myself will randomly desert the course? This error is usually not late when I reflect on the classroom efficiency. Im not interested in many of the course, often I wasnt from the beginning to the end, this kind of behavior listen attentively, although not disturb classmates and teachers, teaching and learning, but this for, it is a serious mistake. For schools to open each course of reason, we have a student should learn more seriously.


  Dear teacher, Today I writing to apologize for what I done last yesterday. I feel very sorry and ashamed to write down this essay for you to say about my bad behaviour that escaping class in school. This essay also shows my deep thinking about escaping class and my decision that never make such mistakes anymore. Please accept my sincere apologies and excuse me for my fault. You are the teacher that I admire, I’m very sorry to disappoint you. I am awfully sorry I have put you to trouble so much.

  I’m not only makes a bad example for my student and make a bad affects, but also is very not respect to my teachers. And I don’t regularly attending classes is a very bad habit, which Is not good for my job in the future.

  In fact, I didn’t mean to do so. I just don’t know why my alarm did not work in the morning. When I woke up, it was already noon. Had I paid more attention then, I wouldn’t have made such a stupid mistake. Even so, I still know I did something wrong. Because as college student, I don’t have to escape class and be a bad example caused severe serious consequences in my classmate. I know you ask us write this essay is for us, we should be faced with our defeat so as to improve ourselves and be more competent. I fully understand my great teacher and your care and thought. Thank you very much for all you did to us!

  There is a goes said that “Habit is a second nature.” So I know my first mistake is haven’t discipline. What has gone into make life a real success? It is discipline. Discipline is the basis of the world. If there were no discipline, everything in life would be in a mess. What would happen if the pilots flying in the air break the rules of discipline and the army soldiers refuse to obey their superiors and the divers start and stop their vehicles at will?

  There would be chaos and the whole human race would be extinct. Therefore, it is every citizen’s duty to submit to discipline of every sort. I still remember that at the first going to college, every teacher have stressed and repeated many times that we should be responsible to ourselves, and nobody have to be responsible to us. In fact, I was deeply shocked by the words and suddenly clearly understand the importance of independence at that time.

  I really agreed with this. So I think I’m not a good student. I’m very sorry for this. All of us are adults now, we are not children anymore. For a high school and college student, we should be trained in different ways to make ourselves fit for adult life. Only through discipline does living become perfect. Because discipline makes a system actions are controlled by certain fixed rules. So wherever there is systematic work, we find discipline. So I think I make a very serious mistake.

  Second, just as the Chinese sayings goes: “Diligence is the mother of success.” I know I should go to class to fighting and I did not pay sufficient attention to class. Resulting in school there is no order. I realized as a college student, I should have spent more time on study; I should not be waste of time and be on time to class.

  For 1 a long time people in great numbers would consent that time is life, so wasting time is equal to wasting life, which is just a metaphor. But what they said is in accordance with a famous saying that men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them. Truly speaking, famous sayings about time and life are countless from old till now. I felt very ashamed to think about these, I wasted mach time to pleasure, make fun and rest. Now I learned that we should take advantage of the present good time to do what we desire most.

  Whether what we are doing will be successful or not, we should take it seriously. Just as a saying puts, “Much more as we don’t know about the future, everything reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.” If we idle away our time now, our future life will be a failure. If we are diligent now, we will surely be successful in the future. Whatever we did, we must love it and do it wholeheartedly. So I think I’m wrong! I’m very thankful you what you teach us.

  The third, I think the mistake that I did is haven’t concept of time! Today, punctuality becomes more and more important in our daily life and college student special. Because we should make a good habit before we go to the social. In our modern life, punctuality is one of the most important that any person should possess. I think we need to be punctual whether we go to work or study, have an appointment and get on the bus, and so on. I think you asked us to write the essay is for tell us some truth, to make us be a good person.

  Punctuality demonstrates that you are reliable and can be trusted with responsibilities. And I know that if you are not punctual, you may hurt others. We should practice punctuality for the sake of others, as well as ourselves. I also learned about a man who punctual will accomplish far more in a day than who is not so. Neglect of punctuality may hurt both others and oneself. An applicant may be turned away just for the sake of being late for the interview.

  Students coming late for class will undoubtedly interrupt the teacher. So face of the mistakes that I did, I ought never to say, “It is only once—I will not do so again” to excuse ourselves. Otherwise we will be tardier and we will fail in or society. In a word, if we form the habit of punctuality at school, it will be great advantage to us in our future life. So I fully understand my great teacher and your care and thought. I am very grateful for everything you did for us!

  The forth is habits. Whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again and again, he’ll be obliged to do it the same way by some unseen force. Thus habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to get rid of it. Therefore it is very important that we should take care in the formation of habits. Even though I escape class only once, but in the near future, escape class will become a bad habit. After this mistake I realize that good habits have many advantages. For example, Going to bed early and getting 2

  up early makes us healthy. Diligence helps to succeed. Honesty helps to win the respect and trust of others. If we form bad habits, such as rudeness, laziness, lying and stealing, we might be mined by them. We ought to keep away from bad habits and try to acquire good habits for ourselves and others. Like to be or not to be punctual is a habit. We often fail to appreciate the influence of habit in our life. Habit is working for or against us every minute of the day.

  It has much to do with our future. So when we are young, we should try to be punctual every time and never be late, for the habit is much easier to acquire in youth than when we are older. Punctuality is an important constituent of good character. A person who is always on time for his appointments shows real consideration for others. A person who is always late shows selfishness and thoughtlessness, and he is not a person that most people want for a friend.

  A few minute’s delay may not be a serious matter, but it may have bad results. Getting up ten minutes later than usual may upset the plan of the day. Calling on a friend five minutes later than the appointed time may cause him some unexpected trouble. One delay after another makes a man unable to exert himself. It also proves him to be untrustworthy. Since punctuality is a good habit and a nice virtue, we should pay much attention to it and make much effort to cultivate this good habit so that we may have a strong sense of punctuality and do whatever we are supposed to do on time.

  The last, we cannot rely on our parent just as when we were little. We must learn how to solve problems by ourselves. But it is a difficult process to make theory into practice. In China education, it does not stress that us we should be responsible to ourselves, and our parents also do everything they think they can do for us. This is the education situation of China. So as time went by, we just get used to relying on others and do not try to do things by ourselves even we can do it easily.

  Over the past 21 years, I get used to doing things what parents and teachers told us to do. But now, you insist that we have to be independent. When I go to the college, I cannot depend on anyone suddenly. Suddenly look back, that we have already grew up, we know that, when reality cannot change, we shall timely change, but we have always loved with real bargain, because we love the world, the happiness and warmth and love and pain of the world. In the process of growing up, we learned that you, for we cannot untie those small knots, we learned to smile, to appreciate beauty of it.

  Because we know that just graciously turned, can find new and beautiful scenery. Growth is a pain, but I don't want to let it leave scar. Growth is a metamorphosis, experienced hardships to break cocoon. In the growth of the road is often lonely, to learn in no one's time to give ourselves. Don't worry, fear brave, frankly, facing the growth of everything for yourself in the faith, encouragement, give yourself to yourself. In the growth of the journey, we need is calm, quiet, bravely facing.

  Standing on the threshold of the adult, the eyes of the young people are still may face. Young, bright eyes, revealed a cynical smile, lonely lurk gentle sadness. Maybe this is sad to grow, rejoice, frustrated with relief, noise with halcyon.


  This morning, I was late for 5 minutes, while the leadership said, say the reason for being late, but I think now that the reason is just an excuse, I don't want to make any excuses for your mistakes, it will only make me more ashamed. So I just want to apologize for the lateness of the morning and review it.

  I never pay special attention to getting to work on time. I often arrive at my office a few minutes late and feel that there is nothing in it. In fact, it is a very bad habit.

  On the one hand, this reflects a staff's attention to the company's rules and regulations, the seriousness of the work, on the other hand, it will bring bad effects to colleagues and departments. In particular, I am a Communist Party member, usually should play an exemplary role in the work, but should put an end to the late behavior. In fact, as long as I set my alarm clock 10 minutes earlier, I can avoid being late, but I didn't do it. In the final analysis, it's still a matter of mind.

  I am determined to pay attention to the rules and regulations of the company from the point of view, improve my ideological consciousness, and ensure that I will come to work on time. And to ensure that every day work hard, do love and dedication, I hope the leadership and colleagues can accept my sincere apology, and can supervise me, correct me.

  If there is something like tardiness, I am willing to be punished by the company rules and regulations.

















  Respected team leader:

  With a sense of self remorse and guilt, I submit this review to you to deeply reflect on my mistakes that took place in the evening of September 1st. That night, because his girlfriend over, I named after, ignoring the rules and regulations for the team, without external girlfriend together, behavior is extremely poor, extremely serious influence to the team leader, and a lot of trouble, then, make a sincere apology to you.

  After accepting your criticism, I personally reflect on it. Through careful review of errors, the analysis of errors. I realized that my own mistakes came from:

  1, their own sense of discipline is weak, not high in their own requirements, and is also a manifestation of disobedience to management. All of this fully indicates that I am far from a qualified cadet, and the gap between my own quality and a qualified soldier's quality is still very large, which is caused by my casual work style. This year was my sixth year in the military academy, and it was the first examination of his own school. He is born in the countryside, knowing that his parents are not easy to cultivate themselves, so they have always cherished their hard won learning opportunities.

  Kung Fu people, through their own unremitting efforts, he was admitted to the University of information engineering, and in the four years of undergraduate, outstanding Party members and won awards every year, and the success of cryptography to electric walks graduate students, undergraduate students why have been good, good team leader in the eyes of the backbone, since now will become so good, my reflection, summed up as follows: 1. the faith will not firm. Each team organization learning political theory, the total feeling is empty talk, walk, will not listen to their natural heart, like this, make yourself with the spirit of the Party Central Committee is seriously out of line, short-sighted, only pay attention to personal interests.

  2, too shallow and the significance of the rules and regulations on the understanding of the connotation, the overall feeling is our life in the growth of foot binding of stone.

  3. there is a deviation in the understanding of postgraduate students. It is always felt that the focus of postgraduate students is to learn, and other aspects can reduce the standard. In fact, the above spirit is good. It is believed that to go to graduate school, autonomy is relatively strong, which is intended to create a good learning and research environment for us. However, to our own, the team members do not want to emphasize themselves as undergraduates, so they can laziness. From the beginning of the Laichuang, interior quality decreased, the casual, late for class, step by step to the development of this semester in a week, they have been out of the two things, one day on Wednesday he was correcting two times continuous picket, late night yebuguisu, visible style discipline his face fell to what degree.

  2. a serious lack of responsibility. It is the captain of the District, the old Party member. Especially now just team in place, the work is not immediately to the hospital, the brigade leader of the inspection team to visit our key

  Time. Do not think about how to better solve the existing problems in the team, how to lead the construction of a good six team environment. Ignoring the rules and regulations of the team and staying at home for the night, they broke up the rules and regulations of the team. They also had bad effects on their comrades. Because of my own mistakes, which are likely to follow another comrade, affect the team discipline, want to come now, very ashamed.

  3. the leadership of the team is afraid and distance. If there is anything, we would rather go out in private and dare not ask for leave to the leader. In fact, think about how stupid I was. Out in the outside, living together in the six team, the team leadership is actually regard us as their own children. The strict leadership of the team is for everyone to have a good life and learning environment, so that the university can have a proud family, so that you can better perform your job in the future. Really, whenever there is any difficulty, you are really helping yourself with a group of brothers and team leaders. Think of what you did last night, how selfish and irresponsible. Because of his self righteous yesterday, the injured leader and the attendant did not sleep at 1 in the morning, for me to worry.

  4. there is a lack of collective honor. Most of the time, there is always one person to do with one person, not to be tired of anyone's thoughts. Only after the six teams, the personal honor and disgrace are closely linked with the six teams. This is thanks to the captain, if the leading organs found, will give the team six with much stain, especially now, is the hospital implement month doctrine, to meet the eighteen, and stressed the safety and stability of the occasion, really be unbearable to contemplate the consequences.

  Through this matter, in the deeply grieved at the same time, I also feel lucky, feel the awakening of time, I am determined to learn a lesson, take practical action to correct their mistakes, which in my future life on the road, it is undoubtedly a key turning point.

  So, at the same time, I have made a review to the leadership, and I also express my gratitude to you. Therefore, no matter how the leadership severely punished me, I would not have any opinion. At the same time, I ask the leader to give me another chance, so that I can express my awakening through my actions, and work harder to make positive contributions for my unit's work. Please trust me.

  Once again, in violation of the provisions of District, said ashamed and sorry. And please the other students in my lessons.



  Late for school today, is not the first time, and the few mistakes, let me think a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things, he is very regret, very air itself committed to the iron law school, but also deeply aware of their mistakes made by the seriousness of their mistakes. Ashamed. The school is a school on the repeated injunctions, stressed that the school rules, to remind students not to break the rules, but I have not the school and teachers in mind, no attention to the teacher to say, no attention to school issued important matters, these should not be. Is also disrespectful to the teacher. Should the teacher say that in mind, the school issued the rules and regulations should keep in mind. I made the mistake of not only brought trouble to oneself, can't go back to school and other students of normal school, delayed their course, if everyone like this I will be late for class order of that class is disturbed, the teacher can not be normal teaching, the other students are not the normal classes. What's more, my behavior has caused bad effects on schools and destroyed the school management system. It also has a bad influence among the students. Because of my own mistakes, it may cause other students to follow, the impact of class discipline, grade discipline, damage to the school discipline and a good learning environment, but also have great expectations of their teachers and parents is also a kind of injury, but also on their own and other students and their parents a responsible. Each school will want their students to achieve all-round development, excellent in character and learning, establish a good image, but also to make our schools have a good image, for students, not violating rules, no breach of discipline, do their own thing is a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligations. Now, I made a big mistake, and I deeply regret it. My teacher is very angry with my school regulations. I also know that for students, it is the most basic responsibility and the most basic duty to attend classes on time. But I didn't even do the most basic thing. I will take this disciplinary incident as a mirror, always check myself, criticize and educate myself, and accept supervision consciously. I want to know shame and vigilance, know shame and forge ahead, and study hard. I also want to improve my sense of time and strengthen my responsibility measures through this event. I have a profound regret and summary of this event, I hope you can forgive my mistake, Chun chun to thank the teachers teach, I guarantee that if there is a chance in front of me, I try my best to restrain myself, never let the teacher down. Ask teacher to forgive me this time of mistake, also ask the classmates to supervise, then in the next day, I will get up early, arrive early, make you arrive late, don't leave early, become a qualified good student!


Respected :

  So because like skipping lie to a teacher, teacher and school leaders hope you can forgive me, then I don't make such mistakes, in the future, I will dutifully do a follow school rules students.



  Review person:


  Good good study, abide by the rules and disciplines is each of us students should

  do, is also the fine traditions of the Chinese nation virtue, but we as contemporary students but no better put it continue down. Like many Chinese young people all don't know how the double ninth festival, but solemn been to Christmas. We are all in ignorance lost discipline, do not understand their own learning objective...

  Take the loving water gravity, an information class, noisy boiling, the teacher you several times sorrowful, CiChou difficult to disappear in the heart, for our ignorance, especially to your review.

  First of all, I as XueWei no organized students quiet in class, cause the classmates speak seriously. But the most direct reason is that our own binding sent, the classroom content is finished, feel nothing to do; Indirect reason is that we want to do something outside of their things, unavoidable mutual exchanges, voice unscrupulously, slowly information lesson is boiling. Of course, this can't be ZiXiKe don't abide by the rules of the reason. Lu xun said... Goethe said... We only have the earnest resonsideration, looking for error behind the deep roots, to recognize the essence of the problem, can give the collective and own a hand over to treat, thus to progress.

  The top self-study speech against the class gauge, influence the normal ope

  ration of the work, this is not loyal, a sin. And have failed to live up to the great parents to I sincerely hope that, what a waste of time to study at school, but unfilial, two sin. More let teacher you for this effort, sad disappointed, this is heartless, three sin... In writing this review, I feel their own ignorance, very regret.

  Finally, the trouble the teacher time consuming to review we write self-criticism, I now thoroughly understand the teacher education of our well-meaning... ZiXiKe don't abide by the rules, is not a

  negligible things! As long as we both have very good constraint ability, independent learning ability, in the ZiXiKe there would be no excuses, no reason for speech exculpate! We have only conscientious thinking life have so much to do, so many burdens to carry, there is no reason in normal ZiXiKe class the don't abide by the rules.

  In order to thank the teacher's chun chun teachings, I hereby guarantee if there is an important

  opportunity to put in my in front, I do I can management students, never let the teacher disappointed. Please teacher understanding me this one mistake!


  Distinguished teacher of life:

  Hello! about themselves too cheeky behavior at night a few days before, here, I express deep apologies to you. Down, me in a serious reflection on one's own behavior, and believe you should be from the in-depth review of the following aspects:

  1.Error help students. Because of their immature, consider not comprehensive enough. In order to avoid warning students and dispose of, and make such an unwise move, another classmate for help, make inappropriate moves. Although in the short term, may help students to temporarily avoid the mistake should bear the responsibility and punishment; but in the long run, this is not only not conducive to student recognition and correction of errors in a timely manner, also greatly increased the difficulty teachers for students of management, prevent schools on students ' grasp of the overall situation.

  2. The idea of awareness is not high enough. As a college student should understand the importance of honesty, but knowingly. After the teacher of ideological education, I understand that their behavior is wrong. I should not help students as an excuse for intentionally concealing the actual situation, preventing teacher implementation of good management work. By this matter, I also recognize that teacher's serious and high sense of responsibility. Despite the cold winter, the teacher remains regardless of the interests, at 11 o'clock at night-time mission despite the curfew time, the teacher in order to lead us down the right way, we spent a lot of time off to be guided and educational. Let the students correct and I understand their own behavior, and through future performance correction and make up for the errors committed today.

  3. Acknowledges the problems of limited capacity. Student mistakes, not be able to recognize the seriousness of the problem in a timely manner. Small student violates school rules and regulations, to possible security problems of the students. However, as a student's good friend, is not able to contact the student, persuade them to correct errors in a timely manner, but a mistake again. This is not only a limited ability to understand problems of performance, while also considering problems is a lack of comprehensive performance. If the problem is a good understanding, can correct and properly deal with the problem. Not to disregard student safety issues, more effects is carried out by teachers of student management work. All in all, lost herself in this matter there in order. Performance: lack of full awareness and capacity to address the problem, from the perspective of intellectual, immature, and understanding is incorrect; see from behavior, performance was too impulsive, does not consider the consequences of things.

  Here, I this error for me again apologize to the teacher from the harmful effects of! sorry, Sir. Finally, the students that absolutely no longer has a similar situation occurs in the future. Urge teachers to be able to forgive us, we must carefully corrected.


Dear teacher,

  Today I’m writing this to you to apologize for what I’ve done last week. I feel very sorry and ashamed to write down this essay for you to say about my bad behavior that forgetting to do my homework. This essay also shows my deep thinking about carelessness and determination that I’ll never make such mistakes anymore. Please accept my sincere apologies and excuse my fault. You are the teacher I admire. I’m very sorry to disappoint you. I am awfully sorry that I brought you so much trouble. I not only made a bad example for others but also didn’t show enough respect to you.

  In fact, I didn’t mean to do so. There were too many things to do at the night before our class. Even so, I still know I’ve done something wrong. Had I pay more attention’ I wouldn’t have made such a stupid mistake.

  There is a saying that “Habit is a second nature”. So I know my first mistake is having no discipline. Discipline is the basis of the world. If there were no discipline, everything would be in a mass. I still remember that at the first going to college, every teacher have stressed and repeated many times that we should be responsible to ourselves, and nobody has to be responsible to us. I was deeply shocked by the words and suddenly understood the importance of independence clearly at that time. I really agree with that. So I think I’m not a good student, at least on this mistake. I’m very sorry for this. All of us are adults now, we are not children anymore. We can’t be reminded to do what we should do. So it’s a serious mistake.

  Then, I think having no concept of time is another cause leading to the mistake. I always hang up things when I have enough time to do them so that I have to face lots of works before the deadline. When a person does a certain thing again and again, he'll be obliged to do it the same way by some unseen force. Thus habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to get rid of it. Therefore it is very important that we should take care in the formation of habits.

  Now, l realize my error, But l don't to be afraid of my mistakes or failures for l can learn from failure. l am sorry for being rude the other day. l should not forget my homework and make you disappoint. It was my fault. l am grateful for having teacher like you who tell me when l make a mistake. l will try to learn from this mistake. However, a person lives without faults will never be found. Of course, l do not mean to use it as an excuse. l have never escaped from my responsibility and l just want to obtain your forgiveness l keep in mind to correct this weakness and try to get a greater progress ln addition, thanks you for all you done! You spent much time to let us grow up, to have sufficient ability enter to society. In a word, if we form a good habit at

  school, it will be great advantage to us in our future life. Sol fully understand mv great teacher and your care and thought I am very grateful for everything you did for us1 ln many ways it is the most valuable lesson to learn. At last, l feel regret for the things that l have done. l do believel will become better and better And l will try my best to do a contribut1on to our class l promise to obey the rules of school. Please accept my sincere apology!


  Honorable leader, fellow comrades:

  Today, I have a profound regret to do a profound review of this, the occurrence of this is this:

  After the incident, I seriously reflect on the root of my own problems, mainly in the following aspects:

  First, the concept of discipline is weak and the awareness of rules and regulations is poor. For a long time, in the army to meet the general, go without learning rules and regulations seriously in the army. There is no strict restraint on your everyday words and deeds. The subordinate concept is weak, no place to put themselves in the communication and leadership is very casual. Some small problems shown in daily life has also suffered the criticism and even remind leaders, but did not pay attention to it, always think of little importance, will not affect their daily work, always do not recognize their mistakes seriously, leading to this

  What happened.

  Two, the style of work is not fine is not real, with their own preferences recklessly. In a head to send documents prior to the examination and approval procedures have not asked, with an open mind to understand comrade to ask, how they want to do, regardless of the leadership. Always feel that they do business should teshiteban, not fully consider the issue, was not criticized the leadership to find the reasons from their own behavior method, but the rush to do the interpretation, in an attempt to evade responsibility, to expose its thought is not mature and the method of work is not solid.

  Three, the self - awareness of excess, the character of the existence of obvious shortcomings. Because he is a local high school directly admitted to the military academy after assigned to the army, beat and lack of temper in their growth process, leading the blind arrogant mentality unceasingly, under the superior leadership criticism cannot accept, always feel justified, not the mouth, often contradict retort. All the time, not because of the leadership of the kind and generous to me over, but I did not understand the good intentions of the leadership, has not only profound understanding of himself shortcomings and correct them, but pleased with oneself, think highly of the leadership, then take like a passing wind. In this way, it will only go down and lower the wrong abyss, and eventually make irreparable and pardon mistakes.

  Four, the style is lazy and dilute, and does not cultivate a good military image. army

  Volume meter is a mirror of its performance spirit, the instrument of poor people, the style is lazy. In the army work for so many years, I looked for understanding the instrument is always stay in a relatively shallow place, usually in the examination to note that one thing is superficial, not good manners to recognize a person's growth and progress plays a subtle role.

  At the beginning of the beginning of criticism, the leader felt that he was a leader in a teacup, but when he began to reflect on himself slowly, he found that he was wrong. But make a little success in the army, all of its military capacity meter. It is serious in appearance, good manners, is the distinction between soldiers and ordinary people is the most obvious boundary, even their own manners do not maintain a good military instrument is not a qualified soldier. On the surface, wearing military uniform, but in the heart still equates oneself to ordinary people, will make this kind of low grade error, not accidental, but inevitable.

  This is only a problem that has been exposed in this event, but the root of the problem is in the daily cultivation, and the following are the following points:

  First, there is a lack of mental obedience, obedience to the command and awareness of the command. We can't carry out the instructions of our superiors, lack of the general idea and consider ourselves more.

  Two, usually do not pay attention to learning, in the course of acceptance of the organization is open.

  The hill, as a mere formality, not seriously comprehend superior intention instructions for understanding the forces of the rules and regulations of the deep penetration, can not be used to guide the practice.

  Three, the ability of their own ability is low. For their low requirements in their daily work, always think of myself as technical cadres, improve their professional skills on the line, to include military quality and the administrative ability, military skills to learn, do not want to learn, lead pipe soldiers ability, methods, model not strict demands on themselves as soldiers, in life is not usually study and work actively to the team leaders and comrades around learning experience of their practices, leading to their work ability is low, usually less processing problems, on-the-spot reaction ability is weak, their quality is always hovering at a low level.

  From the mistakes I made, I got a deep lesson, recognized the shortcomings and shortcomings of myself, and decided to make great efforts to correct my mistakes in the next work, study and life. Therefore, I hereby solemnly promise to the leaders and the comrades here.

  A careful study, army rules and regulations, and to regulate their own daily behavior, do have, for a day, continue to temper to develop their own military style.

  Two. Listen carefully and accept the criticism and suggestion of others. It is cold and cold.

  Think of yourself if you have a mistake.

  Three, in the normal working life in the daily life, pay attention to their own image and strictly request themselves. Actively participate in the activities organized by the team and strengthen the training of military skills.


  The mistakes that he would like a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things that they are very remorseful, very air itself committed to the iron law school, but also a profound understanding of the seriousness of their mistakes, committed by their own error is a shame.

  Schools in a school on the repeated injunctions, has repeatedly stressed that school discipline school to remind students not in violation of school rules, but I did not, then schools and teachers in mind, there is no attention to the teacher to say, there is no emphasis on the promulgation of the important issues in schools, as if they were heeded, these should not be. Is also a lack of respect for teachers. Teachers should bear in mind that in mind, then, the school discipline school rules promulgated minds.

  After that, I would like to cool for a long time, the mistakes I have not only brought trouble to their own, held up their own learning. Such an act and I also created the school and its adverse effects, damage to the school's management system. In the middle of the students also led to adverse effects. Since I am a person's mistakes, it may cause other students to follow, the impact of class discipline, grade discipline, the discipline of the school is also a kind of destruction, but also have great expectations of their teachers and parents is also a types of injury, as well as other students in an irresponsible parent.

  Each school will wish to see their students achieve high academic achievers, all-round development and establish a good image, but also to make our schools have a good image. Students have every hope that a good school for their own learning environment to study and life. Including myself, have to have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment that we have to rely on common maintenance to set up and I myself have made a mistake this time to undermine the school environment that is should not, if the students do each and every mistake, then there is no formation of a good learning environment for students violating school regulations should also be given punishment.

  I stayed two weeks at home, and own a lot, but also realize that they committed a very serious mistake, I know, cause such huge losses, I should have for their own pay for the mistakes, I am willing to bear Although it is the responsibility can not afford, especially for major colleges and universities in the education of people in this error should not shirk its primary responsibility.

  I accept criticism in good faith and are willing to accept the deal given by the school.

  Excuse me, teacher! I made a serious question of principle. I know who my teacher is very angry school. I also know that the students did not breach regulations, not inconsistent with discipline and do their own thing is a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligations.

  But I did not even do the most basic. Now, made a really big mistake, I am deeply deeply regret it. I will take this incident as a mirror and discipline at all times conduct themselves and their criticism and education, and consciously accept supervision. I would like to know shame and alert, to know shame and to forge ahead, to remedy the situation of shame as a driving force, to study hard.

  I have to go through this incident, to raise awareness of my thoughts, and strengthen accountability measures. Or would like to make their own learning, learning for me to be the most important for the survival of future employment are very important.

  I can see now is very small, I still have the ability to fight. I would also like to fight once again to work hard in the hope that a good teacher to give me an opportunity to students, I will turn over, and really serious to learn, as full of life, this course at home is also delayed, schools The courses have been very tight and very hard to learn, learning to live in the future, I will learn, the classes are making an effort to hurry up.

  Just remember to enter the school, class and sub-class of teachers have high expectations of me, can learn to accept, but in discipline problems in schools under the iron law of the repeated injunctions, in school discipline and strict environment regulations I committed such a serious mistake, the school should be punished to me, and I do not know how many times saying, principals, teachers, I was wrong, I was wrong. Mom, Dad and I are wrong, I was wrong.

  In this half, I get up on time every day, I think about life in schools for nearly two years. The school has deep feelings for the school in the future I will have a new look, in the schools, not to grade school and my class teacher was also dark. In terms of learning or other school I would come with strict demands on themselves, I will grasp this opportunity.

  It as a turning point in my life, hope that our teachers are the pillars of society, so I learn in the future life of the school's efforts to become more, not only taught us to learn the knowledge, but also to learn how to behave, who have committed such an error , for the expectations of parents for me is a tremendous blow to the parents hard-earned money so that we can live some of the superior than others, better himself so that we can input to the study. However, the mistakes I did go against the wishes of parents, but also the parents of a negative energy.

  I am so ashamed. I believe that the teachers see this attitude can also be aware of this incident I have very strong attitude of repentance, I believe my heart to repent, I is not to challenge the teacher's discipline is a wrong step in life's own time, I hope the teachers can be forgiven for My mistake, I assure you that this matter will not have a second occurrence.

  For all this I will also further in-depth summary of soul-searching, I urge the teachers believe I can learn lessons and correct mistakes, the next thing to redouble their efforts to do a good job. Also sincerely hope that teachers can continue to care for and support me, and my question about discretion.



Dear teachers,


  I am in class * * * * * *, I am very guilty and twelve. Very sorry to write the written self criticism, to say to you I to fight the bad behaviour of deep hatred and killing nor discipline determined to. I regret the fighting that happened yesterday. As a student in school, it is wrong to fight. As a student, we must have the appearance of students, unity, fraternity, is our duty. Impulse can't solve anything, it can be self-defeating, damaging the relationship, losing the trust of the teacher. I feel guilty about what I do. Here, write this book to show remorse.

  That's what happened, and though it wasn't me, it was my fault. No matter what happens, calm and understanding, can be small, small matter. More is better than none. As a student, learn to learn, and to know how to be a strong person in life. I should face it calmly. A fight is a temporary solution, but it doesn't solve the problem. The fight not only lost face, but also to the school, teachers, class and parents, face smear. Students should have the responsibility of the students, after the other people, but I happened to his body, this kind of social habits, no quality performance, is really should not happen at school, I'm ashamed of what I have and I'm sorry.

  After profound self-reflection, I decided to have the following personal correction measures:

  1. Submit a thorough review of the contents as required, and make a deep excavation of the root causes of the errors in your thoughts, and recognize the serious consequences that may be caused by them.

  2. Ideological awareness is not high, and serious deficiencies are emphasized in important matters. Even if there is a recognition, there is no real implementation of the action.

  Don't talk back to your teacher at any time or anywhere.

  4. Raise awareness, grasp implementation, and vigorously develop criticism and self-criticism.

  If you are ashamed, you will mend your ways. I want to take this fight as a mirror to constantly review myself, criticism and education myself, consciously accept the supervision. Through this incident, I will raise my awareness and strengthen the responsibility measures. I have the determination and confidence to make me learn better! Now that I have realized my mistake, I intend to correct the bad habit in the future and adjust my attitude to the future.

  I made a promise to the school that I would never be so reckless again. There is nothing to report to the school teacher in the first place. I hope this teacher can give me leniency!



  Student: * * *

  **** ** day.









